Help! Linear Iris GD00Z Garage Door Controller Shows Open but Door is Closed?

I have two overhead garage doors and with the new update to my VeraLite adding GD00Z support I was able to install both of them. Install went well and including was also a breeze. Control seems to work well and everything is working as advertised… almost. In my Dashboard and app they will regularly show open/on even when they aren’t. Fortunately I have security cameras so with a few clicks I can verify that they are indeed closed but this is less than ideal situations because if a camera goes down or I can’t immediately access to verify I’d like my devices to display the proper current state. This also affects my notifications as it will try to send dozens of notifications when the doors haven’t even opened. Is there something I did wrong or something I need to adjust in UI7 to get this all to jive or is this a known issue for people who have this device installed and do I need to open a trouble ticket?

I did a search but being as this is a relatively new addition to official support I wasn’t really able to find anything to use to address my issue. If anyone can point me in the right direction or offer some support I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for the help!

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Remember this thread?,5106.msg201945.html#msg201945

Being that it was only supported 2 weeks or so ago and not many people have them (I think I might have saw one other person besides you) you might not get a ton of responses on your new product just yet (in the future that should change). Continue testing and you can fix the problem before we all go buy one. Maybe for now you can isolate if it’s a problem with your tilt sensor (they are not so accurate or responsive like a wired door contact) or if its a software problem. Those sensors can be added to vera seperatly is this how it is setup? If so you might be better off asking for help on just that sensor vs. the garage door controller.

Remember this thread?,5106.msg201945.html#msg201945

Being that it was only supported 2 weeks or so ago and not many people have them (I think I might have saw one other person besides you) you might not get a ton of responses on your new product just yet (in the future that should change). Continue testing and you can fix the problem before we all go buy one. Maybe for now you can isolate if it’s a problem with your tilt sensor (they are not so accurate or responsive like a wired door contact) or if its a software problem. Those sensors can be added to vera seperatly is this how it is setup? If so you might be better off asking for help on just that sensor vs. the garage door controller.[/quote]

These have nothing to do with that thread, those parts or that conversation so please don’t confuse the topic.

Remember this thread?,5106.msg201945.html#msg201945

Being that it was only supported 2 weeks or so ago and not many people have them (I think I might have saw one other person besides you) you might not get a ton of responses on your new product just yet (in the future that should change). Continue testing and you can fix the problem before we all go buy one. Maybe for now you can isolate if it’s a problem with your tilt sensor (they are not so accurate or responsive like a wired door contact) or if its a software problem. Those sensors can be added to vera seperatly is this how it is setup? If so you might be better off asking for help on just that sensor vs. the garage door controller.[/quote]

These have nothing to do with that thread, those parts or that conversation so please don’t confuse the topic.[/quote]

Did you skip everything past the first sentence?

Remember this thread?,5106.msg201945.html#msg201945

Being that it was only supported 2 weeks or so ago and not many people have them (I think I might have saw one other person besides you) you might not get a ton of responses on your new product just yet (in the future that should change). Continue testing and you can fix the problem before we all go buy one. Maybe for now you can isolate if it’s a problem with your tilt sensor (they are not so accurate or responsive like a wired door contact) or if its a software problem. Those sensors can be added to vera seperatly is this how it is setup? If so you might be better off asking for help on just that sensor vs. the garage door controller.[/quote]

These have nothing to do with that thread, those parts or that conversation so please don’t confuse the topic.[/quote]

Did you skip everything past the first sentence?[/quote]

Not really, no. In my brief interactions w/you I get the feeling that you like to be argumentative for the sake of being argumentative and I don’t feel like having a repeat of that here as it’s not helping anyone. If you want to have an actual conversation then I would appreciate it but if you’re going to tell me UI7 is garbage and your way is better all over again then I don’t think we have much to discuss.

This has only been supported for a few weeks but they’ve been working on it for half a year or better now so I would expect something so fundamentally important to work properly. If I didn’t have cameras in my garage I would think my doors are open regularly plus I’ve had to completely disable any notifications since it wants to send them every few seconds sometimes. I’ve also submitted a trouble ticket but have not heart back so I was hoping to get some useful input from the community.

The tilt sensors in these kits are not separate devices that can be added separate like the other solution I had before yanking it out and installing these. These talk to the main unit which then translates the info to the VeraLite. They don’t communicate with the VeraLite separately and as such also don’t need to be included with the VeraLite. You install them, install the main unit and then include the main unit with your VeraLite and you’re done. So I can’t trouble shoot the tilt sensors separately and as far as I know the modules are sending the proper signal to the VeraLite because if door is showing open when it’s closed I can trigger it and instead of opening it it shows the proper status. Does that make sense? If the tilt sensor was sending the wrong signal to the VeraLite and the VeraLite sent it a signal the module would then activate the opener. Instead it appears to re-learn the proper status and not trigger the opener and display the proper state.

This really feels like something concerning the VeraLite more than the Linear modules and a brief Google of the Linear Module didn’t reveal similar behavior on other controllers. Combining all of this is why I’ve narrowed the problem down to most likely being the VeraLite. I had hoped that there was more than just me using these that could offer their input & experience or someone with a similar device that had a similar experience or anyone who had an idea of something could try to resolve. I haven’t yet ruled out installation error 100% but given the limited number of steps & interaction by end user by design I think it’s a pretty solid likelihood that I installed them properly.

I’m not sure who “they” are but you seem to think its a veralite problem so do you think VERA employees have been working on this for a year and half? First they very rarely respond and never help on this forum, at most they will post and say email them. A trouble ticket as you have done is your best bet. On here is just the cummunity which like I said haven’t seen anyone use it much or at all so we are not the best to help you and probley wont get much of a response yet.

[quote=“Ostrichsak, post:6, topic:184204”]The tilt sensors in these kits are not separate devices that can be added separate like the other solution I had before yanking it out and installing these. These talk to the main unit which then translates the info to the VeraLite. They don’t communicate with the VeraLite separately and as such also don’t need to be included with the VeraLite. You install them, install the main unit and then include the main unit with your VeraLite and you’re done. So I can’t trouble shoot the tilt sensors separately and as far as I know the modules are sending the proper signal to the VeraLite because if door is showing open when it’s closed I can trigger it and instead of opening it it shows the proper status. Does that make sense? If the tilt sensor was sending the wrong signal to the VeraLite and the VeraLite sent it a signal the module would then activate the opener. Instead it appears to re-learn the proper status and not trigger the opener and display the proper state.

This really feels like something concerning the VeraLite more than the Linear modules and a brief Google of the Linear Module didn’t reveal similar behavior on other controllers. Combining all of this is why I’ve narrowed the problem down to most likely being the VeraLite. I had hoped that there was more than just me using these that could offer their input & experience or someone with a similar device that had a similar experience or anyone who had an idea of something could try to resolve. I haven’t yet ruled out installation error 100% but given the limited number of steps & interaction by end user by design I think it’s a pretty solid likelihood that I installed them properly.[/quote]

That rules out that trouble shooting idea I had.

Double check your tilt sensor. The arrow should be pointing straight up when the door is closed. If it is not it will read opened.

Does this by any chance happen if you use another method than Vera (app or dashboard) utilizing the GD00Z to open/close the garage door? Such as eg a wall control or a remote control in your vehicle?

I realize that ‘they’ (MicasaVerde, MiOS, Vera, whatever they wish to be called because it’s all entirely too confusing to new users like myself) are not here but I post here as a separate means of resolving my issue separate from contacting ‘them’ directly. I don’t know that they have been working on this for a year and a half but I doubt that. What I said was half a year which is six months. It’s been out for over half a year now though so it’s entirely within the realm of imagination that it’s been on their radar for about that long since others on the world wide web have posted them stating exactly this. I wasn’t expecting them to respond on this forum although it would be nice if someone from their group could shed some light. What I had hoped for was that someone else who has installed these would come along and chime in on if they experienced the same problems and found a solution or if they didn’t have these issues at all.

Not sure why you feel the need to keep questioning what I expected by posting to this forum because it sure as heck wasn’t someone constantly asking me what I expect every time I post an issue here and expect me to respond with the same response each time. This is a community forum and people come together to discuss ideas, problems, solutions… all sorts of things. That’s the point of the community. Sharing ideas. Just because YOU haven’t seen anyone else using these doesn’t mean they aren’t out there or won’t be joining the forum or finding it if they have the same issue or a solution.

If you would like to offer ideas for trouble shooting or possible solutions then I welcome that. If what you want to do is continue following me around various threads asking me silly questions to make it seem like I’m a 4th grader who doesn’t understand basic concepts then I would respectfully ask that you stop doing that. I’ve been on internet forums since the 90’s and understand quite well how they work and don’t require constant remedial lessons on the topic.

Just because I’m new here doesn’t mean I just discovered the internet this month too.

I had exhausted all the ideas I could think of to try including searching Google in addition to this forum for answers. When I was left with the problem and no further possible solutions I decided to post hoping to start a conversation on exactly this topic to find a resolution for myself & for anyone else having the same issue who might find this thread searching the way I have.

Yeah, both tilt sensors were installed in the proper upright manner as the instructions clearly warned against. The only other thing I can think of is how cold it is here. I had installed two Z-Wave tilt sensors in a setup I put together using separate components trying to accomplish the same task and I noticed when reading the specifications in the instructions (yes, I read them from time to time) that those particular tilt sensors had an operating temperature listed as basically above freezing to about triple digit temps. This is an issue as I live in Colorado and the day I installed these Linear GD00Z controllers the high was like seven degrees (warmer inside the garage). I wonder if this has anything to do with my issues or if it, like most operating temperature parameters, are a loose guideline and the devices themselves are actually functioning fine. If only Vera had added support even a week sooner I could have tested two of these in temperatures much more reasonable and then rule out the cold weather we’ve been having since I installed them. Anyway, other than some sort of communication problem (like the devices themselves or how my VeraLite translates the communication via firmware) this is about the only possible issue I can see. I don’t feel like that’s the issue though and feel like I’m really grasping at straws in place of any logical solution other than a VeraLite firmware update.

It happens when there are no changes in status at all. So even right now when I check my log it shows that both garage doors have been opened dozens of times in the last few hours when the doors have remained closed the entire time.

Dang. There went my theory. :slight_smile: I’m out of ideas on what could be causing this. If only one of your 2 openers did this I’d say it’s defective. But both doing it makes me think it may be a bug in UI7 with regards to these openers. Especially since the support for them was so recently added. Did you notify GetVera of this issue?

I have two of these installed and have no problems with false readings whatsoever but we rarely make it below 40 here. Anyhow if you want to test this too cold theory remove the sensor and take it in the house on a day that it has been acting up. When you do that flip it on its back and watch the UI. In a few seconds it should read open. If you flip it back over it will read closed. Leave it in the warmer location and see if it acts up.

Funny that you posted this because after I posted earlier I had an idea to bring one of the tilt sensors inside the house & leave it near the garage in the kitchen w/the arrow opined up to see if it stays closed on the status. If it does we’ll have our answer. If not, back to the drawing board…

You on UI7?

Yes. UI7 is all I’ve known. For me it’s pretty solid. Minor issues in the beginning but worked through most of them. Also running the mobile ui7.


I also had what I would consider minor issues when I first installed them (displayed as light and other similar minor bugs) that worked themselves out after a matter of hours. This on the other hand has been going on for weeks w/o resolution. Well, that is until last night anyway. At some point yesterday both my cameras as well as my garage door controllers started behaving properly. Not sure what is going on with that and the only changes I made was to add the make/model of my cameras to the advanced settings on those two devices. Not sure what affect that would have on the cameras let alone the garage door controllers though. Of course as luck would have it someone from Vera finally got back to me this morning and asked me to enable remote tech support on the VeraLite so I’m not sure if they’ll see what was the cause if it’s not currently acting up or if they can tell me how I fixed it or how it resolved itself. In possibly related news our temperature right now is 23 deg and I don’t think the overnight low was much lower than that so maybe it is a temperature thing? Still not sure I’m buying that because we had a couple of days last week that were even nicer and we were closer to 60 for the high & it was still acting up so I’m not sure that is the causation. If it starts again I will bring one of the tilt sensors into the house to rule that out however.

I guess I’ll let the Vera team see what they can see remotely and report back any findings. For now cross your fingers for me though as it currently appears as though things are finally behaving the way I expected them to.

Do those camera’s have motion detectors? If so, could it be that somehow those were mistaken for the door sensors by Vera?

The cameras themselves have motion sensors that are currently disabled. Also, the error messages said that the device itself wasn’t detected. When you go into advanced settings it didn’t show the make or model of the device. These are the two fields that I manually entered but I only did for one of the two cameras I have set up on the VeraLite so I don’t think that was the fix but I can’t know for sure since that’s the only change I made. I assumed if it would correct the problem that it would only correct the one I adjusted and I would know to adjust the 2nd one but that never happened. None of it make sense to me really but it’s currently working. I’m glad it’s working but the fact that it ‘fixed’ itself after weeks tells me that it can also ‘break’ itself at any point too and that’s not very confidence inspiring.

Is your tilt sensor mounted behind a car by chance or is mounted high on the door? I put mine in the middle of the door between the cars so that it wouldn’t have interference from a car parked in front of it and mounted the unit offset from the bar and chain on the ceiling. I wonder if the tilt sensor looses connection if it sends a signal when it reconnects.

The tilt sensors are mounted up high in the center of each door. The controller is mounted next to the opener so it’s not dead center so there really shouldn’t be any obstruction with radio communication since both are pretty much line of sight. As for losing communication and then re-connecting… I don’t think so as the title sensors I had installed previously went into ‘sleep’ mode to conserve battery life and then had a brief delay as they ‘woke up’ before sending a state change signal. I would assume that these are the same but don’t know for sure. Either way coms shouldn’t be a concern with this setup so even if they did I don’t think they’re losing signal at any point.

Did anyone resolve this issue. I just installed a GD00Z and it is acting up in a similar fashion. Running U7