HELP: Kwikset and Vera2 pairing problems.


So I finally got my vera2 and Kwikset unit and have been spending the last 4 hours trying to pair these devices and getting so frustrated. I’ve followed the instructions to a tee and still after it scans my vera2 for new devices I added it says “i don’t see any new devices”. I did the pairing to the lock where the zwave light fluttered and then started blinking again, where i then tapped the zwave button to stop and save the device. I then replug it in the main power and connect the ethernet cable and then click next on the setup screen, it then starts to try and scan for new devices but then it says the above quote.

Has anyone ever run into this problem? I am getting so frustrated. Please help. What else can i do? thanks

Is there anything I can try? Thanks

Had a similar issues I had a very long network cable and took VERA to the lock connect with the long network cable and pair it that way. the range on these looks are not far you will probably have to added a switch or outlet close to the lock that supports BEAM I think if you want to keep your VERA where it is. if you search the forum there is a lot of information.

The pairing process takes longer for locks (more information gets exchanged), so you need to leave Vera close to the lock until it has gone through the entire process. This is why many users have recommended pairing the lock before you install it in the door. It makes it easy to keep the lock in close proximity to Vera.