Heal & Diagnose Network

Does the new “Heal & Diagnose Network” feature of 1.0.588 firmware require Vera to be a primary controller?

the ‘healing’ part won’t have an effect if it’s not, but the diagnostics will still work

Funny answer. Let me ask more specifically:

Will Vera “heal” the network if Vera is NOT a primary controller?

I don’t think so… and the first response did say that! :wink:


I also think MCV’s answer was quite clear… :slight_smile:


Vera will NOT heal the network if it is NOT a primary controller.

Is it better? ;D

I wonder if i can update neigbors and routing table. ? When secondary.

Thank you Denix for confirming. I thought so, but if I am in doubt, I ask.

Now, I know I can transfer primary role from my HA07 to Vera USB stick. How about to return it back to HA07 after healing is done?

The reason why I am asking is pragmatic. Up until recently, I was running Intermatic HA22 with ControlThink, but somehow that combination caused the HA22 was completely erased and there is no way to bring the network up from backup files. I had to completely rebuild my network of ~40 devices and I definitely do not want to have to do it EVER again.

So I’d like to transfer the primary role to Vera, heal the network and then transfer the primary role back to HA07.

Any advice is appreciated.

Cannot suggest anything specific regarding your question. But dosen’t your HA07 remote provide any sort of network/neighbor update functionality?

As of rebuilding the network - I have about 20 nodes in mine and had to do it several times. First, I noticed it is good to rebuild the network from time to time with Vera - it starts working more reliable than after several Vera’s firmware upgrades. And second, after you’ve done it few times it doesn’t seem that tedious any more… :slight_smile:

Intermatic HA07 does not provide any network update/heal functionality. It is cheap plain consumer electronics battery powered interface. The reason why I am using Vera is that HA07 does not have the complex programming capability.

Rebuilding a network from time to time? ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE. When I am done, I expect to have some 100 devices (nodes). I am not going to invest in a system which would require to waste at least 2 hours of my life periodically.

Even worse from business standpoint: I cannot imagine having to call my customers: hey, by the way, would you mind if I come up peridically to rebuild your network and by the way I’ll will charge you for that again. ;D

Utter nonsense.

That’s why we are interested in new devices (such as Vera) which would potentially self-heal reliably on continuous basis without external involvement.

The heal function should be available based on device capability, not on the role (primary/secondary).

Can MCV make Vera capable of periodically and automatically heal the network, regardless of role assignment? Please let us know!


You have to keep in mind that healing the network slows down the response of devices. So you would have to ensure that the network starts healing itself at an appropriate time for the customer. So in fact you would still have to be in touch with the customer and schedule a ‘convenient’ healing time. 3am to 4am on a Saturday is a good time :slight_smile:

Additional Question, Does Healing the Network remove dead nodes?

I’m using Vera as the primary now and reset my old Leviton Primary Controller for use as a secondary. I also reset (physically and in Vera) and removed a dimmer that was getting a red cog. After resolving that issue I reset my old primary controller and had it join as a secondary.

Problem is, after a full reset of the hand held, the dimmer still shows up on the secondary controller, but it is no where in the Device list in Vera. I reset and added the Leviton controller as secondary twice with no luck. It also seems that re-adding
the secondary controller is also creating duplicates of the Leviton controller in Vera.

I did a heal overnight and will check on it tonight and try to re-add the secondary controller.

Can anyone provide insight into what is going on when I’m adding and removing nodes and secondary controllers and what is the proper way to do both? And will Healing my network help me out?


[quote=“mark-hc, post:10, topic:164421”]g7t.

You have to keep in mind that healing the network slows down the response of devices. So you would have to ensure that the network starts healing itself at an appropriate time for the customer. So in fact you would still have to be in touch with the customer and schedule a ‘convenient’ healing time. 3am to 4am on a Saturday is a good time :)[/quote]

Of course, everyone is well aware of it.

Ideally I should be able to pre-program the ideal time for periodic network healing (once a month or so), so the home automation is truly ‘automation’, not just semi- automatic gizmo.

So request to MCV team:

  1. Can you make Vera capable of healing the network even when it is not a primary controller.
  2. Can you create a new feature where I can pre-program Vera to start healing at pre-set time/day/month automatically?

Please let us know.