HA07 "OFF" Question

Hi all,

I followed the instructions found in various threads on here, and was able to install some HA03 lamp modules and an HA07 controller as a secondary controller.

When I turn the lights on with the HA07, they show up as “ON” in my online Dashboard and the iVera iPhone app. But when I turn the lights off with the HA07, they still display as “ON” in the Dashboard and iVera.

Is there anyway to fix this? Is this an inherent problem with the HA07?


Even after a while they still show as on?

I’ve seen this happen with different devices but it turned out to be the browser, try Ctrl F5 to reload the page, or close the page and re-open it to see if the status changes.

Did you add the devices to Vera? OR did you add the devices to the HA07 and then add the HA07 to Vera?


To answer your questions:

Even after a while they still show as on?
Good question! I seem to recall seeing that they may have changed eventually? If so, why should it take so long?
Did you add the devices to Vera? OR did you add the devices to the HA07 and then add the HA07 to Vera?
I added the devices to Vera. Then I added the HA07 to Vera.

Any advice is appreciated!



[quote=“tripletdad, post:4, topic:168189”]

Even after a while they still show as on?

I seem to recall seeing that they may have changed eventually? If so, why should it take so long?[/quote]
Polling. Vera polls the status of your devices in the background. It can take a bit for that cycle to complete.

Ah. So when I use iVera, it doesn’t need to “Poll” since it is making the change itself, but when an external controller issues the command, it doesn’t know about it until it polls each module. I think I get it.

Is there anything I can do to speed up the polling?