Got OpenLuup running on Docker. Can login to port 3480 and AltUI shows...

Just trying to play with this.

Got OpenLuup running on Docker. Can login to port 3480 and AltUI shows…

but then… How do I connect to Vera?

Is there any risk that Vera (which is fully running with all apps locally installed including an altui etc. connected to a new openluup instance?

EDIT: added the IP address of vera in the altui app settings of the docker container showing all my devices and apps… remains the question: is this safe?

To link openLuup itself (rather than just AltUI) to Vera, you need simply to install the VeraBridge plugin (on the openLuup Plugins page) and put in the IP address of the Vera in the IP attribute of the bridge device. Nothing is needed on the Vera side.

I have multiple Veras connected to multiple openLuup systems. Not sure what issues you’re worried about, but there’s really no problem AFAIK. I’m speaking in the context of openLuup itself, and not specifically on the Docker installation, about which I know absolutely nothing.

[quote=“akbooer, post:2, topic:199883”]To link openLuup itself (rather than just AltUI) to Vera, you need simply to install the VeraBridge plugin (on the openLuup Plugins page) and put in the IP address of the Vera in the IP attribute of the bridge device. Nothing is needed on the Vera side.

I have multiple Veras connected to multiple openLuup systems. Not sure what issues you’re worried about, but there’s really no problem AFAIK. I’m speaking in the context of openLuup itself, and not specifically on the Docker installation, about which I know absolutely nothing.[/quote]

Hi, how do I get to the “openluup plugins” page?

You can access the “plugins” page from the ALTUI pulldown menu “More” > Plugins

You can access the “plugins” page from the ALTUI pulldown menu “More” > Plugins[/quote]

Found that (before) but how do I install “VeraBridge plugin” there then?

…just press the Update button.

Found it… it was professionally hidden there.

next step, vera is found… I see the devices from there and from altui… and then :-)?

Use the VeraBridge action CopyFiles to get all the relevant device files copied across (doesn’t need an argument in the box, just blank is fine.)

From then on, pretty much forget Vera and do your HA logic on openLuup.