Does the function “Go back to the prior setting” in scenes/commands work for anybody?
I set the door sensor tripped event to turn on a nearby light for 5 minutes and then “Go back to prior setting”, but it always turns the light off regardless whether it was on or off before the event. Any ideas?
The " “Go back to the prior setting” in scenes/commands " it’s working in 602 release.
The backend for multiple events it’s implemented, we’re discoussing about a simple way to integrate it in the web ui as for the non-techie user to can take advanced of it also.
I shouldn’t be cross-posting like this, but since the “Vera won’t abide by the ‘go back to prior setting’” issue has been raised in multiple threads…
…I’ll simply mention that it’s not working for me now in .616.
Do a search for “scene timer” or “prior setting” to see others’ comments.
I submitted a ticket on this, and have not tested this functionality in any other firmware revision.