Giving up on UI7

After about 2 months and many tech support requests I am reverting back to UI5. Although Ui7 is prettier it is , in my opinion, not ready for prime time. I have a veralite controller, 6 lamp modules/switches, 2 foscam 8910w cameras and a aeon labs 4 in One motion sensor. After upgrading the motion sensor would not function properly. It frequently went offline/online and triggered the cameras instead of using the cameras built in motion detection. Also, user addition/deletion is problematic. It will be a while before I venture down that path again .

I am on Vera Edge, so no going back to UI5 for me. I am glad to see though that I am not the only one with the aeon labs 4 in 1 sensor going offline and back on frequently. I never had that issue or at least wasn’t made aware of it in UI5. I am hopeful it gets fixed in an upcoming patch… :slight_smile:

Welcome since this is only your 2nd post, We will just assume you haven’t read much on here either (or you wouldn’t have tried UI7). Your post will get thrown in the pile with the rest of them. This is a very common issue and the forum is full them.

You’ll also find that Foscam’s are also full of problems and altho look like a great buy at first down the road get thrown out for something better. (I have 5 of them that are being phased out to hikvisions 3MP for less then 100.00)

I also have an EDGE that is unusable right now for the same problems, but thats also a common topic here too.

If it’s not broken DON’T to try and fix it. UI5 is stable and works with the most plugins and devices. Unless you have a new device that won’t work with ui5 people always fall for the “Newer Must Be Better” lets upgrade.