Getting temperature from Google Home

I have just managed to install Vera Concierge.
I am able to ask/get answer for the following:

  • “Turn on TV Room light” (response: turning on the light in TV Room)
  • “Talk to Vera Concierge” - “What is the garage status” (response: saying the temperature in garage)
  • “Hey Google, Ask Vera Concierge what is the garage status” (response: saying the temperature in garage)

However, I get following result if I ask: - "Hey Google, Ask Vera Concierge what is the garage temperature (response: “null” - why can’t I use temperature?)
Also, is it possible to ask something like: “Hey Google, what is the garage temperature?” (short version)

The status is currently triggered by the word “Status”

What is the keyword in german for status?

At this time only Google Home Control (i.e. those things that Google provides the voice interface for) are support German.

The Vera Concierge Agent (invoked by OK Google Talk to Vera Concierge) only understands English at this time.