Getting error message

I just started receiving this error message on my iphone when I launch the app: “The certificate for this server is invalid. You…” The app was working fine last couple of days.
I’m using the free app version

I’m getting the same error “The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be…”

This error started yesterday but only occurs when I’m not logged into my home network, i.e., only when logged in from LTE or outside wifi connection. As long as I’m home, VeraMate works great! Using a Vera 3 (firmware 1.5.622) with UI5, iOS 8.1 (12B411), and the latest VeraMate (paid)

At first I though it was just my system at home; however, I also have a Vera 3 at my office which is getting the exact same error message when not connected locally.


Yes, this is a problem with Veras server. It would appear they’ve left the certificate expire, but only for some servers (they have a dozen or 2 servers). This is only affecting 1 that I can see at the moment (, but could be more.

I would think/hope they would have fixed this now? You may need to contact vera support otherwise…

I contacted them this past Friday. I explained to them the problem that I couldn’t login with my mobile apps. They said that they are looking into the problem. I’m sure that it’s probably the expiration of the certificate.

I believe they are/have resolved the issue, so I would expect whatever their certificate problem is, they’re rolling it out and you should find it fixed soon, if not already.

I had this problem over the weekend and it was resolved on Sunday.

It affected all App trying to login using fwd2.mios and even a web browser would show an HTTPS error or untrusted.

I believe they are/have resolved the issue, so I would expect whatever their certificate problem is, they’re rolling it out and you should find it fixed soon, if not already.[/quote]

The problem seems to be fixed. I thought I was going crazy this past weekend that I couldn’t remotely access any of my apps.