Hi to all, before I was using a regular door bell button with fibaro door sensor to alert me with veraalert when somebody hit the button. Right now I bought a sip door phone and that phone has integrated button so I cannot manually conect it to my vera3. But there is a “Call Button Event
API URL(GET)” link in it, is there a way to make alerts if somebody hit the button with veraalert ? Here is attacment.
There are different strategies depending on what you want to happen:
- Just send a message to Vera Alerts:
In this example:
MY Vera IP is
My Vera Alerts Plugin ID is 188
The Vera Alerts Profile is RTS-S4
And the Message is a URL encoded string (i.e. replace spaces with %20).
- Use a similar URL request to set a Virtual Switch or MultiSwitch
Use PLEG to detect the switch change and send an appropriate message.
Awesome, perfect, applause :-*
[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:2, topic:188245”]There are different strategies depending on what you want to happen:
- Just send a message to Vera Alerts:
In this example:
MY Vera IP is
My Vera Alerts Plugin ID is 188
The Vera Alerts Profile is RTS-S4
And the Message is a URL encoded string (i.e. replace spaces with %20).[/quote]
Dear Richard,
What if i need to send a snapshot (there is a cam which connected to the vera) with “someone at the door” message, is it possible to do it with add something to the the code;
Depends on the profile … you can add a {Picture(xx)} to the message.
How? and where can you add it to the code for me please?