
Looks like iPhone and Android now have Goefencing. Any plans to bring Geofencing to the Windows Phone platform?

i.e. When phone is in X radius of home …something can happen (like setting a virtual switch active).

Just another one of many feature suggestions. I understand it not may be on the roadmap…and if it is…may take a while.

I’ll definitely look into that when phone 8.1 is officially released. Currently i do track the change of your network connection and then try to resolve the best url to use. Thats my poor mans solution for simple stuff. :slight_smile:

Any more thoughts on this? I believe 8.1 supports this now.

WiFi would be the best start (and handy if you can link your phone to a Virtual Switch). This would meet my immediate need.

Obviously, a GPS like “near home” radius geofence would also be awesome addition too.

[quote=“AgileHumor, post:4, topic:181015”]WiFi would be the best start (and handy if you can link your phone to a Virtual Switch). This would meet my immediate need.

Obviously, a GPS like “near home” radius geofence would also be awesome addition too.[/quote]

Do you use ping sensor or seen the DDWRT thread on setting your router up to check for your phones mac address. The router then switches a virtual switch.

Ping sensor also has a long thread and vera pings your phones local IP address for when its connected to your home network and also switches a virtual switch.

Those 2 could get your going for now while windows phones slowly die off get better apps and support.

The geofencing is on my to-do list to research in the 8.1 client i’m working on