Geo fencing and mode changes are not working

My Vera Edge, running the latest firmware, does not automatically change modes from away to home. My wife and I both have Android phones and have set our apps so that we have an approximately 1.5km radius around our home (to handle any GPS issues) as our home zone. When we leave in the morning, we get an alert on our respective phones that we’ve left the home area and similarly, when we get back within the radius, we get an alert saying that we’ve entered home. The problem is that the Vera Edge does not switch back to home which means I have broken scenes and many false alarms from my alarm equipment until either of us go into the app and manually switch it to home.

I’ve verified the Geo Fence settings at the time this happens and it accurately shows one or the both of us within the radius. I also verified that ‘Set house mode to HOME when at least one user is at home’ is checked and vice versa for setting it to away mode. Needless to say this is extremely frustrating that this simple feature has not worked reliably for months. I was hoping that the latest update would fix this but sadly it has not. Any suggestions on what to check or how to fix this?


Wow I hope this issue has been resolved on another thread since i’m having the same issue 5 months later… :frowning:

Common issue, best fix is use Vera Proximity on Android

Vera DOES NOT support TWO users … There feature assumed ONLY one person.

It does not know when BOTH are HOME or BOTH are GONE or only one is home.
If you live alone, or are the only one running the Vera APP and you want it to change modes based on YOUR status … then Vera will work for you.

If NOT use my Vera Proximity App for Android and IPHone Locator for Apple phones.

Each Phone should trip a virtual Switch on Vera.
Use LUA or PLEG to combine the status of these Virtual switches to facilitate the Automation of:


[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:4, topic:188737”]Vera DOES NOT support TWO users … There feature assumed ONLY one person.

It does not know when BOTH are HOME or BOTH are GONE or only one is home.
If you live alone, or are the only one running the Vera APP and you want it to change modes based on YOUR status … then Vera will work for you.[/quote]

This is my configuration with 1 android phone and it is working .
However I am also using the “House mode” plugin in order to execute some Lua code when changing UI house mode ( this should be a native feature in the UI house mode)

Actually you can do it in LUA now (after I indicated to them that it was a pretty poor design to need to make an HTTP request from Vera to Vera to change the House mode … that’s what the plugin does).

You can call:

luup.call_action(“urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1”, “SetHouseMode”, {Mode = Mode}, 0)