Geo Fence Problem

Last weekend I found a post here somewhere about how to turn off Geofencing but I have looked and searched but I can’t find it again. I setup Geofencing a week ago and I was getting alerts when I was either still at home or still at work so I turned it off and deleted the map. So I thought I did.

Here is what I am doing now:

Dashboard>My Modes
Under GeoFencing I deselected both check marks.
At the bottom next to my GeoFence I clicked the edit button
Unchecked marked Notify
Unchecked This is my Home
Pressed Save
Pressed Back
Pressed Trashcan

I get the error You Cannot delete this geo fence until you define another geo fence as home

I did this on my Android phone using Vera Mobile app

On the PC under My Modes there is no Geo Fence.

Did I miss a step somewhere?



i am having the some problem on geofencing on vera plus too. i setup geofencing on my iphone only. the alert works find and accurate. i receive messages when i leave or enter my define area. But the problem is, it didnt change my mode from home to away or from away to home. Anyone here can advice me?

We are working on resolving the Geofencing issues. Are you using Android or iOS?

iOS9. So I presume will have a new firmware update for Vera plus after you resolve the geofencing issue?

Do not assume anything :slight_smile:

Yes! ;D

Not sure it it matters but I’m on Android 5.1


this is bad… everytime need to switch the mode manually on ios apps between home and away. Any other solution to set home to away or away to home automatically when leaving or coming home?

Choices on ios are limited as all the ping options don’t work, tasker doesn’t exist.

I would say your best option is the “Iphone Locator” plugin in the vera app store and next up would be a geofence option in VeraMate paid app in the apple store. But I would read reviews on that also I hear its not 100% either.