GE ZWave Switch #12726

Going to use this for a pool pump. Is there a way to set it to run based on the temperature? I want to always on when temperature drops close to freezing.

This can be done with the use of some other plugins for temp or some other device that has a temp sensors on it.

thanks for the reply. So I found the “Virtual Temperature Plugin (by MiOS)”. This should work to trigger my pump when near freezing. Now onto another question. Is there a way to have scene with IF in them? I would like to have pump turn on and off every 2 hours, but IF temp is below 34 degrees leave the pump on.

Easiest way I know how is to use PLEG. It allows for more elaborate logic and control.

I also would say “PLEG” plugin. VERA stock “scenes” or logic is very minimal and basic. PLEG has a learning curve but will do everything you need for logic.