GE Z-Wave Plus Smart Motion Dimmer

Can confirm the instructions provided above by jadragescu works perfectly for getting this device added to vera and having motion reported independently. Thanks for that jadragescu.

Any idea what 3 Generic I/O Device that is created does? Any way to delete it?

Any way to get the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light that is created to update when the light turns on/off from motion? I’m guessing when the switch itself handles turning on the light from motion, the device does not get updated until it is polled (because vera has no idea that the light was turned on by the motion until it is polled), however, there is a LoadLevelStatus variable in the parent device (which is now configured as the motion device) that correctly and immediately has the value of the light when it is turned on from motion by the switch. I’m wondering if there is any way to link that variable to the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light that is created.

If any one was wondering, no matter what mode the switch is in, manual, vacancy, or occupancy, motion is reported by switch. Therefore, you can keep the switch in manual mode and still get motion triggers (if you just want motion triggers that do not turn the light on). It makes for a nice mains powered and clean looking motion sensor for a room.

I was able to get the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light to update when the light turns on/off from motion. Using pleg, I monitor the LoadLevelStatus variable in the parent device (the one configured as the motion device) and when it changes I have a pleg action send the new value to the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light using luup.variable_set(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1”, “LoadLevelStatus”, TheNewValue, TheDeviceNumOf2SecondaryDimmableLight). As a bonus, when you manually change the dim at the switch, it also updates the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light. It appears as though this switch has instant status updates. If anyone wants some more details how to do this just let me know.

[quote=“kfxo, post:25, topic:195752”]Update
I was able to get the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light to update when the light turns on/off from motion. Using pleg, I monitor the LoadLevelStatus variable in the parent device (the one configured as the motion device) and when it changes I have a pleg action send the new value to the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light using luup.variable_set(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1”, “LoadLevelStatus”, TheNewValue, TheDeviceNumOf2SecondaryDimmableLight). As a bonus, when you manually change the dim at the switch, it also updates the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light. It appears as though this switch has instant status updates. If anyone wants some more details how to do this just let me know.[/quote]

I’m new to Vera and PLEG but trying to fumble through using this device to control a light and a separately switched fan in the same bathroom via PLEG for interdependence, timers, etc. I’d appreciate more details on the above. Is it all done in PLEG? Thanks.

[quote=“cc4005, post:26, topic:195752”][quote=“kfxo, post:25, topic:195752”]Update
I was able to get the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light to update when the light turns on/off from motion. Using pleg, I monitor the LoadLevelStatus variable in the parent device (the one configured as the motion device) and when it changes I have a pleg action send the new value to the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light using luup.variable_set(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1”, “LoadLevelStatus”, TheNewValue, TheDeviceNumOf2SecondaryDimmableLight). As a bonus, when you manually change the dim at the switch, it also updates the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light. It appears as though this switch has instant status updates. If anyone wants some more details how to do this just let me know.[/quote]

I’m new to Vera and PLEG but trying to fumble through using this device to control a light and a separately switched fan in the same bathroom via PLEG for interdependence, timers, etc. I’d appreciate more details on the above. Is it all done in PLEG? Thanks.[/quote]

Yes updating the 2 Secondary Dimmable Light is all done in pleg. For below Im going to assume that the parent device (which is now the motion) has a device # 210 and the child device (2 Secondary Dimmable Light) has a device #211.

In pleg you will need 1 input device property, 2 conditions, and 1 action.

The device property:
I1 ParentDevice[210] LoadLevelStatus[urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1]

The conditions:
C1 I1 != C2 (Repeats must be checked. Very important.)
C2 I1

The action when C1 is true:
C1 Action LUA local lightlevel = I1.state
luup.variable_set(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1”, “LoadLevelStatus”, lightlevel, 211)

Thanks. I’ll give it a go. ^

Any updates on using this device? Seems like working with it is a bit cumbersome.

The device has been added to our development roadmap and it should be supported natively in one on the next software updates.

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Glad to hear. I have an application where using the PIR separately from the switch it controls makes a lot of sense. (My garage light switch is inside the back door of my house, and my outside light switch is in my garage - in both cases want to trigger a different switch based on motion…)

I have the GE/Jasco 26933 smart dimmer switch. I’ve had it for several months - but it only worked briefly on Vera when I first installed it. Than months later it working again - yea! And than it quit after a few days. So I deleted the node from Vera Plus - moved Vera to within 8 feet of the device - reset the switch to default - and was able to re-add the device - but only partially. It errors out after the initial “sucessful” message with:

ERROR: Unable to get any information on node

I’ve went thru this same process several times - and never get past that error. Any suggestions?

I recently bought the GE Z-Wave Plus Smart Lighting Control Motion Sensor Switch([url=][/url])

Manurfacture Site and Amazon site says this works with Vera, so I got it. Before I start to add it to my system, always do search on this forum and found this. Very happy with the steps from jadragescu, really good info. I wanted to share that I got mine working really easy with a few steps from jadragescu. I did not do all of them and it seems to work fine.

I only did first few steps:
Add as generic Zwave Device:
1 Primary Dimmable Light
2 Secondary Dimmable Light
3 Generic I/O Device

Once added Change parameters in Advanced Settings on primary device (1st Dimmable Device Created):
Device type (urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:MotionSensor:1)
device file (D_MotionSensor1.xml)
json (D_MotionSensor1.json)
category (4)
sub category (3)

After saving those settings, go to advanced settings again:
change associationnum to 1
change multichannelendpoint 1,0,0

At this point I stopped. I then thought to disconnect the motion trigger from the light by putting it into manual mode, per the manual and attached images.
Once I did that, I was done, nothing else to do. I can create standard scenes using normal triggers, no need for Luup code at startup or to do complicated scene. Just thought I would share how I got mine setup.

I have attached a simple scene with the new device. This will stop my girls from leaving the bathroom light on all day…:slight_smile:

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Thanks for putting up the steps for this. I came across this device recently, and I want to put one in my master bathroom to replace a standard motion sensor switch (no smart capability). The motion detection on it works fine, but I don’t necessarily want it to turn on all the lights in the middle of the night. When we first had that sensor in my home, my wife wanted me to get rid of it, but she has a nasty habbit of leaving lights on all over the house, so I’ve lived with it.

My first reading the threads regarding this sensor caused some worry, as it seemed the motion sensor aspect was independent from the z-wave aspect. Your solution has eased my concern. I’ll probably implement my solution with PLEG, because I need to control when it comes on, and which lights I want to come on at certain times of day. Thanks for posting.

I was hoping Vera updated it so it’s more native like they promised in 2017, but I can live with how you did it.

Any update on this? When I searched for the device in Add Devices, I only get generic z-wave device as an option.

If I add it as a generic device, and native code comes out, do I need to delete and add again, or will it automatically switch?

[quote=“jadragescu, post:22, topic:195752”]Ok, I finally got a response from Vera. They didn’t have a problem by sharing the implementation. I don’t even know if they even care to utilize this device as a supported device in the future. :frowning:

Either or, here are my findings:

Add as generic Zwave Device:
1 Primary Dimmable Light
2 Secondary Dimmable Light
3 Generic I/O Device

Once added Change parameters in Advanced Settings on primary device (1st Dimmable Device Created):
Device type (urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:MotionSensor:1)
device file (D_MotionSensor1.xml)
json (D_MotionSensor1.json)
category (4)
sub category (3)

After saving those settings, go to advanced settings again:
change associationnum to 1
change multichannelendpoint 1,0,0

Add an Association:
add association group id 2: zwave, no endpoint (leave the input text field, blank)

This will be able to get your primary device to show Motion detection, and use your 2nd dimmable light for scene’s/etc.

What I did next would create a scene and variable watch to detect when your primary device (now motion detector) to know when it is armed/disarmed to change the value:

Create a Manual Triggered Scene (Scene Number… (Mine was 5)):

local armed = luup.variable_get(“urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1”,“Armed”, 376) – 376 is Device your device Number
armed = tonumber(armed)
if (armed == 1) then
luup.call_action(“urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1”,“SendData”,{Node=“89”,Data=“112 4 6 1 1”},1) – 89 is alt id of your device and this luup action enable motion detection
elseif (armed == 0) then
luup.call_action(“urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:ZWaveNetwork1”,“SendData”,{Node=“89”,Data=“112 4 6 1 0”},1) – 89 is alt id of your device and this luup action disables motion detection


Create a variable watch in your “Start up Lua” (Apps → Develop Apps → Edit Startup Lua):

– Set up variable-watch for device 59 (your device number created)

– Process variable-watch callback for device 59. Run scene 5
function SensorArm59()
luup.call_action(“urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HomeAutomationGateway1”, “RunScene”, {SceneNum = 5}, 0)

You can do the same to run a manual trigger or device trigger for any action for your Generic I/O: Perhaps Light Sensor ON/OFF…

The only thing I don’t like, or haven’t figured out is to get Instant device reporting for Dimmable Light. I have it polled at 60 seconds. The dimmable light device will report ON/OFF if manually pressed from the switch, but not update when motion is detected.

**If anyone has any ideas to have that updated appropriately, that would be a great help.

There may be a better way of creating an Implementation File to do the variable watch for device and without creation of a Manually Scene/etc. I thought this was the easier approach, but if anyone wants to develop an Implementation, please do so and please share!

If you have any questions, improvements/etc, please post. I will try to answer any questions/concerns as well.[/quote]

I just installed the straight switch/non dimmable version of this (26931). Right now, I set it up in manual mode and just did the setting changes you listed for the motion sensor. I haven’t gone into the Luup code yet. Can you tell me what the _Generic IO device it created is for?

In case anyone is interested, this Document describes the configuration parameters that you can set using the Vera. I simply wanted to disable the auto-shutoff and found that you can disable it by setting the Timeout Duration to 255 (parameter 1, size 1 byte). Sharing this in case anyone prefers to perform advanced switch configuration using the z-wave configuration parameters.

Does anyone have a breakdown for each of the input boxes on the advanced tab within Vera related to this switch. I have read the manual and it shows how to change the settings with the buttons, but it would be so much easier to go into the settings to be able to change the motion sensor’s sensitivity or time duration, etc., than it is to go downstairs and use the buttons or in some cases (changing modes), having to take off the faceplate to get to the H (side button). It would also make it easier to understand what is possible in setting up scenes, etc…

thanks in advance.

Don’t know if you are still looking, but here’s the direct link to the advanced configuration document from GE/Jasco.

Has anyone heard anything from Vera on when they will support a native device for these switches? I now have 3 in my home, and while you can configure it manually, it’s a pain for a device that’s been out 2 plus years. How long is this “development roadmap” of theirs?

Can the “_Generic IO” device be used for anything useful? I have the dimmer and alarm working with some scenes. Too bad that Alexa doesnt support motion detect alarms :confused: Only the dimmer can be controlled by Alexa.

I was wondering if there is a specific reason or need for the Generic IO device or if it can be repurposed for controlling a variable on the main parent of the dimmer (ie, the motion detect sensor). Meaning, if the toggle is Off, then reset paramater #6 to a value of 0 to disable the motion sensor. May be useful in some circumstances to disable this.

There is a list of configuration parameters here…

I suspect you have to go to device options and add configuration settings.
I’m not sure how exactly. perhaps someone much smarter than I can explain.

I installed this in my child’s room to automate the light. The problem is when he rolls over in bed at night the light turns on. I’m hoping I can disable the motion switch but still use the sensor to tell vera there is motion, and a pleg condition to turn the light on when it is not bed time. I fear I may be asking for too much from this device though.

The problem is when he rolls over in bed at night the light turns on. I’m hoping I can disable the motion switch but still use the sensor to tell vera there is motion, and a pleg condition to turn the light on when it is not bed time. I fear I may be asking for too much from this device though.

I was able to turn off the “operation mode” on the switch from “occupancy” to “manual” and then use vera to control the light based on the motion sensor for the switch. Now it’s like having two independent devices.

I created a virtual switch on vera and scenes that will be triggered by Alexa (i.e. Alexa good morning/night routine) to turn the virtual switch on and off. Then using pleg condition that only turns the light on when the switch detects motion and the virtual switch is on. I didn’t want it to be time based because we don’t always go to sleep and wake up at the same time especially on weekends.

video showing how to manually program the switch on the switch

I’m glad to find this thread.

Today I’m trying to put the Enbrighten In-Wall “Smart Motion Switch” ZW4006 into service. This appears to be the same device as Jasco 26931.

I’m using a Vera Edge running the latest version of UI7 1.7.5185 (7.31)" that supported on the device as of this date.

Some of the information provided in the earlier posts in this thread seems very useful.

For reference, when I “included” this device as a generic device on my Vera Edge, I had three devices appear in the GUI’s list of devices:

“Smart Motion Switch” ← I gave it this name during the “include” process
“_Appliance Module” ← I’m not sure where this name came from
“_Generic IO” ← I’m not sure where THIS name came from either

Otherwise, I couldn’t find the device in the Vera’ UI7 GUI’s list of devices, i.e., under the UI7 GUI “Devices : Add Device” list of devices. The only option I was given was to add it as a “generic device”.

I’ll post a follow-up later if/as I learn more.