GE Thermostat and Vera2

I’ve got Vera2 all setup and controlling the house (over 12 modules and 4 locks) and I am looking for a cheaper Thermostat to replace one of the two in the house. I don’t want to spend a lot since I will be replacing the remaining old/inefficient Furnace/AC unit in the next 18-24 months with a Hybrid unit similar to the new unit downstairs. Unfortunately, there are no Z-Wave Thermostats that properly support Hybrid/Dual-Fuel systems so I don’t want to spend $150+ on a thermostat that I can’t use with the new system.

I stumbled across a GE unit online that is available for less than $60 including shipping but I don’t want to spend the money if it hasn’t been tested or supported by Vera.

Any comments/input would be appreciated.

GE Model - IS-ZW-TSTAT-100

Not sure about the GE model (I hadn’t even heard of it to be honest), but ASIHome recently started carrying the relatively inexpensive 2-GIG Thermostat. It’s not that much more (under $80) and is known to work with Vera:

Just something to consider if you haven’t already.

Thanks - I decided to get the 2GIG even though it was $30 more (after shipping added) than the GE unit just for the stand-alone 5-1-1 functionality. We’ll see how it works out.

It baffles me why anyone would buy a zwave thermostat for the scheduling if the scheduling only works when not included in a network?

Why not just schedule the thermostat with vera scenes?

@B0SST0N is that a specific reference to the 2GIG’s capabilities?

I have the Tranes, and have them included in my ZWave Network and configured with Schedules. They’ll reliably run “on their own” (autonomously) at all times, and I use Vera to do any alterations to a pre-planned schedule - it’s the best of both worlds.

He is correct about the Scheduling on the 2GIG and I knew it going into the purchase… I just wanted the scheduling so that I could use it, if needed, outside of a Z-Wave network in the event that RCS/Trane gets it’s act together and includes the functionality I need for the New HVAC system we have and will get.


yes that was directed towards the 2gig directly… I have the RCS TZ43 which is basically the same as the Trane.

I could understand wanting to be able to control the tstat with vera, but run the schedules locally as it would be more reliable.

But, the 2gig only has the schedules function if it is not included in a network… so scheduling is completely disabled once you join it to vera.

So, buying the 2gig for scheduling means u are not including it in the vera network… so why not just go out and buy the cheapest standalone 5-1-1 tstat you can find?

Or… if you want to keep the remote control capabilities (which is why u buy a zwave tstat) then just schedule it with vera scenes… (and in which case you couldve just spent less and bought the wayne dalton tstat)

Agree 100% with what you said. But in my opinion the 2 gig offers quite a bit of options and flexibility that maybe some of the cheaper z-wave tstats do not offer:

Apart from the fact that it can be programmed via scenes or locally, it comes with a removable USNAP z-wave module which could if needed, be replaced with another USNAP “wifi” module which is sold by the mfg for about $30. They also offer a free iPhone/android app which can control the stat. The major advantage for me personally (at least for the time being) is that the 2 gig can run the z-wave module on batteries…no need to pull extra wire if you do not have 24VAC power. And oh…btw the 2 gig looks cooler than my Trane…touch screen and all ;D ;D

I agree, I was going to mention the touchscreen as an advantage, but in my opinion some touchscreens can be disadvantages… just depends on how well they work.

And a review I have read of the 2gig is that the touchscreen is not so great… some of the icons are said to be so small you’d be better off using a stylus… not my idea of finger friendly.

The wifi card… I guess it could be an advantage… but IMHO I want everything controlled through one gateway (ie Vera) and that means zwave. It just doesnt feel right to have to log into a seperate interface in order to control my tstat vs control my lights and ceiling fans etc… yes someone could build a luup device for vera to control the wifi tstat (if they have an API) but that doesn’t exist yet.

If we decentralize everything like that we would forever be switching between apps on our iphones or web pages on our computer to control different things. Doesnt sound too user friendly.

The batteries… yes that is one advantage I can’t argue with. If you dont have a power wire from your HVAC system then I feel bad for you. :wink: