GE/Jasco 45631 / ZW5301 Zwave Group and Scene Controller

Greetings to all… I have learned allot from reading this forum… I have a Vera Lite and a bunch of dimmers and sensors… They all work great … I purchased a GE/Jasco 45631 in hopes of putting it in a room with no wall box. this unit being battery operated and very slim would be perfect… I have no issue adding it to Vera, I configure it but the unit does nothing… it appears in the software it all seems to work except it dosen’t activate any of the scenes… I have removed it and reinstalled it several times with the same results… Does anyone have one that works?.. I have two other wall plate controllers made by Leviton that work fine…

Thanks for the help

How are you configuring your scenes, and are you using the trigger function? Maybe post a screen shot of the way you have it set up!

Howdy, I just got one of these for testing and I am getting good but mixed results.

Another user posted how to make it work, and so far this at least is the most promising.

He advised to:

press and hold “Add” & “Remove” until 2 orange light flashes.
then press the left side of the 4 switches each one time going from 1 - 4
then you should see a steady blinking orange light

With Vera, Add the device by using the “Advanced” method and “Include” it.

Once Vera see’s it, the orange LED will blink a couple times and be green in colour.

In the Device panel you should now see the controller. Hit the wrench and from its “Scenes” tab, set it to a scene.

Then “Re-Include” the switch again! This seems to be the critical step.

After doing this, I was able to control an “All On” scene.

The Mix Results part is, the controller seems to be fickle as to what it is going to turn on.

In random testing (me watching TV, having the switch beside me and typcially during a commercial,) I would hit the “all on” switch. It seems the “On/Off” switches respond best. But sometimes it works perfectly.

I think what might be going on here is Vera during the include mode is actually programming the controller itself and the 45631 is actually turning the lights on/off. Not 100% sure tho.

NOTE: the “off” button always works. And is very fast to execute the command. The on side however can not always turn on all the lights and can be sluggish to respond eg: 2 lights turn on in 3 seconds, 1 more in 5 etc

[quote=“turb0, post:3, topic:172781”]Howdy, I just got one of these for testing and I am getting good but mixed results.

After doing this, I was able to control an “All On” scene.

The Mix Results part is, the controller seems to be fickle as to what it is going to turn on.

In random testing (me watching TV, having the switch beside me and typcially during a commercial,) I would hit the “all on” switch. It seems the “On/Off” switches respond best. But sometimes it works perfectly.

I think what might be going on here is Vera during the include mode is actually programming the controller itself and the 45631 is actually turning the lights on/off. Not 100% sure tho.

NOTE: the “off” button always works. And is very fast to execute the command. The on side however can not always turn on all the lights and can be sluggish to respond eg: 2 lights turn on in 3 seconds, 1 more in 5 etc[/quote]
I finally got the on/off function to work (Vera Lite + UI5), and I have to say…it’s worthless. There’s a 10 second delay (on average) for the scene to turn on (which is just 1 light). The turn off is instantaneous. So…at least it sort of works. But it’s garbage. My family and guests aren’t going to stand at the bottom of the stairs for ~10 seconds waiting for this signal to do whatever it’s doing.

I send signals from my car to a wayne dalton garage gateway that then converts the signal to a z-wave scene on my vera lite, and that happens with about a 1.5-3 second delay. so this delay with a remote that’s already on the network is completely unacceptable.

I have upwards of 30 devices on my network. I gleaned from an comment that the device is worthless with anything more than 32 device networks, so that might be the problem. Either way, it’s of no use to me or anyone else who’s trying to completely cover a house.

gl. I hope it works for ppl with smaller networks at least.

sorry for the bump, but there seems to be an effective workaround for this posted in another subforum (load & lighting control), so I just want to link it here as well.

basically, you add the scene controller as a secondary controller to vera and then directly create scenes or add switches to the controller following the controller’s directions (DO NOT USE VERA TO CREATE SCENE COMMANDS). here’s the explanation:,32933.msg240773.html#msg240773

following these directions, I was able to turn light switches on/off instantaneously (no lag/delay).

I do not have a clue what everyone is talking about for adding scenes to this keypad, but the instructions are useless pertaining to Vera. I can easily add devices to groups, but only by hitting the switch itself. It will not include to the keypad by activating the switch from a browser or iPhone, regardless of whether I am standing next to the device. If anyone primarily wanting to add scenes, this is not worth the time to come up with nothing. Very frustrated.