GE 45613 - How to set Advanced Settings with Vera 3 ???

I have a GE 45613 3-way Dimmer switch being controlled by a Vera 3.

My problem:
I have a CREE LED bulb on this dimmer, and it doesn’t like the 100% power (full ON) value. It will turn the light on, then cut off immediately.

Playing around with it, I found that if you Dim up to 97%, the light works perfect.

What I’m trying to do:

  1. I’m trying to find out how I get to the Advanced Setting of the GE 45613 when in the Device Settings.
  2. According to the manual, the parameter I need to adjust is PARAMETER 11.

Can someone please help me figure out how to manually set these parameters in device settings?

From the Vera UI5 devices tab, find your dimmer. Click the wrench icon on the device and then click the Device options tab. On the device options tab click Add configuration settings, type 11 in the Variable field that appears(contains a 1 by default), click the drop down that says monitor only and choose 1 byte hex from the drop down list. Next, enter your desired value for the parameter and then close the device’s dialog box by clicking the X next to the wrench icon . Finally, click the Save button at the top right of the web page.

But, this will not solve your issue. Parameter eleven controls the number of steps the switch will use to get from 0 to 100% brightness. This is one of the two parameters used to adjust what is frequently referred to as the ramp rate. The GE/Jasco 45612 dimmer does not have a parameter to control min/max dim level.

I have not seen the issue you describe with HomeDepot Cree bulbs(is that what you have?). Your issue may be due to a bad bulb or a bad dimmer.

[quote=“Z-Waver, post:2, topic:178214”]From the Vera UI5 devices tab, find your dimmer. Click the wrench icon on the device and then click the Device options tab. On the device options tab click Add configuration settings, type 11 in the Variable field that appears(contains a 1 by default), click the drop down that says monitor only and choose 1 byte hex from the drop down list. Next, enter your desired value for the parameter and then close the device’s dialog box by clicking the X next to the wrench icon . Finally, click the Save button at the top right of the web page.

But, this will not solve your issue. Parameter eleven controls the number of steps the switch will use to get from 0 to 100% brightness. This is one of the two parameters used to adjust what is frequently referred to as the ramp rate. The GE/Jasco 45612 dimmer does not have a parameter to control min/max dim level.

I have not seen the issue you describe with HomeDepot Cree bulbs(is that what you have?). Your issue may be due to a bad bulb or a bad dimmer.[/quote]

Couple things:

  • Correct, I bought the Cree 60W (in blue packaging) that Home Depot now sells.

  • I tried those settings, but the fact that when you toggle the device on through the Vera and it jumps to 100%, it gives me the same problem.

  • Sliding the device down to 97% manually gets the light back on, and running without issues.

  • 1 byte hex did not work when doing the initial configuration (it threw an error.) Changing it to “default” fixed the error that the switch was giving me, but still did not resolve my issue.

  • Could it be a bad bulb?

Reread Z-waver’s post. The parameter you wanted to set would not do what you wanted. He also mentions that it may be a bad bulb or switch.

  • Garrett

Ok, so I took your collective suggestions, and went with a bulb change. Mind you, I had already done a swap to a new switch, as I thought that was the initial problem.

I went back to Home Depot, and bought 3 LED bulbs to try: Philips, another Cree, and the Home Depot house brand.

I was able to successfully go to full 100% without a hiccup using the Philips bulb, so I’m running that now.

However, I have a new problem! While I am able to trigger it to full 100% power with success, when I hit the off button to shut off the light, it just remains lit.

This is an entirely new symptom, as I was able to successfully shut off the light with no issues when I was running the Cree bulb.

Any suggestions?

Does the ge switch have a neutral wire?

  • Garrett

[quote=“garrettwp, post:6, topic:178214”]Does the ge switch have a neutral wire?

  • Garrett[/quote]

Garret, I have the Rev. 3 switch, which only required neutral on the aux switch, not the master.

Quick update since I posted a few minutes ago. I actually found that it IS shutting off the light. The problem is, it has a fairly lengthy delay before it actually shuts off the light. Turning on the light remotely is almost instant though, so I don’t understand why it would be delayed…

Additional note: I found that after triggering the OFF command for the light, it stays on, and takes roughly 60-70 seconds before it cuts out. It actually goes dimmer and dimmer, up until about the 60 second mark, then it just shuts off.

This sounds like a very extended ramp rate. It is likely due to your earlier altering or parameter 11. I would recommend the following steps to resolve your issue and determine the best bulb choice. The various LED bulbs on the market today all seem to behave differently when dimmed, especially on Z-Wave dimmers that lack a neutral wire, like the 45612.

  1. Install an incandescent bulb for setup and troubleshooting purposes. This way, you can know if any issues are due to the switch or the bulb.

  2. Exclude and then include the 45612 dimmer. This will reset all parameters back to factory default, eliminating possible erroneous configuration.

  3. After verifying proper operation, replace the incandescent bulb with the LED of your choice and test again.

  4. If your dimmer works with incandescent bulbs but not with the various LEDS, a very common scenario with Z-Wave dimmers that lack neutral wires, you will need to do one of three things.

a. Replace the 45612 dimmer with a dimmer that has a neutral, e.g. Evolve LRM-AS Dimmer and Evolve LTM-5 Accessory Switch (for 3-way). I use these dimmers with Cree bulbs and have had great success. I have seen a couple of bulbs display an almost, but not quite, imperceptible flicker at very low dim levels(<15%). Even at 2% the occasional flicker is not intolerable, but I take the bulbs back for replacements.

b. Add one or more incandescent bulbs to the circuit.

c. Add a resistor as a “dummy load” to the circuit. This is discussed extensively in the forums and would be my last choice.

This sounds like a very extended ramp rate. It is likely due to your earlier altering or parameter 11. I would recommend the following steps to resolve your issue and determine the best bulb choice. The various LED bulbs on the market today all seem to behave differently when dimmed, especially on Z-Wave dimmers that lack a neutral wire, like the 45612.[/quote]

Ok, I will definitely go through this troubleshooting when I get home tonight. I’m ready resolve this issue one way or another.

Question regarding the excluding:

  • Does the Vera have to be on battery and close to the dimmer switch, or can i leave it where it is (approx. 30 feet away) and do the exclude steps?

  • When putting the Vera into exclude, I have to click the dimmer switch button, just as when i’m adding it for the first time to exclude it?

  • After that, do I then set it to include, then click the dimmer switch button again?

You can try doing a full power exclude. If it doesn’t work, then you’ll have to move the Vera closer or use the battery method.

Full power Exclude:

  1. From the Vera GUI click the Devices tab.

  2. Click Add devices.

  3. At the bottom of the page, the option titled Advanced Z-Wave devices click Add.

  4. At the bottom click the Include drop down and select Exclude. Click the low power drop down and choose full power. If necessary, change the timeout after value to a number of seconds adequate for you to reach and activate the switch.

  5. Click Go and then press the paddle on the switch.

You can use the same steps to include a device, but obviously, you must choose Include rather than Exclude.

Learn about Full/Low Power Inclusion/Exclusion.

[quote=“Z-Waver, post:11, topic:178214”]You can try doing a full power exclude. If it doesn’t work, then you’ll have to move the Vera closer or use the battery method.

Learn about Full/Low Power Inclusion/Exclusion.[/quote]

IT’S FIXED! The exclude/include did the trick. So in summary, my issue was resolved by the following:

  • Replacing the Cree LED with the Philips LED
  • Doing the exclude/include you recommended

Now the light turns on (and stays on, no flicker) at 100% with no issues, and it also shuts down quick.

I guess the GE 45613 doesn’t play nice with those Cree bulbs for some reason, considering I tried 2 of them with no luck.

Thanks to Z-Waver and Garretwp for your assistance. I almost abandoned the whole z-wave thing because of this stupid switch!

Controlling this stairway light was the main reason for me to get into Home Automation to begin with. Thanks again!