[quote=“lwinter, post:59, topic:182612”]
An event has specified name - this does not technically trigger the plugin - but the event is “active”
This differentiates between ‘triggering’ and being able to react to a keyword with “A Calendar Event is Active” but not triggering (from Vera’s perspective). Without this vera would trigger on every event (with no gc_Keyword)So you can leave gc_Keyword blank and use “A Calendar Event is Active” to “Activate” based on event names you set in your scenes.
How are you setting your scenes ? Are the conditions set to be upper case ? All the keywords are changed to upper case within the plugin and the matching conditions therefore need to be in upper case as well.
I leave gc_Keyword, gc_ignoreKeyword = false then true and nothing happen : the scene doesn’t start.
The next Event is TEST. My device is active but the scene will not be triggered.
Trigger of the scene :
A calendar event is active
Status ? Module is active
script of the scene :
local valeur = luup.variable_get("urn:srs-com:serviceId:GCalIII","gc_TrippedEvent",191)
my_prowl("Value ?", valeur, "", 0)
but when I execute the scene manually, it returns on Prowl Value ? TEST[/quote]
Keywords are all forced to UPPER CASE in the plugin - so any comparison must be in UPPER CASE as well. Not shouting just emphasizing …
Your example test value is in lower case