Garage Door Operation

Is is possible to use a monoprice garage door tilt sensor with a switch controller to tell a garage door opener to open and close?

I did this years ago. Still works. I used a GE garage door tilt sensor that is connected to my concord 4 panel. I have no problem including it in scenes, etc…

The garage door is switched on with a light module and turned off via a scene that senses when the tilt sensor has changed. Very cheap.

So…I would think it is possible using the items you posted.

[quote=“Inzax, post:2, topic:193048”]I did this years ago. Still works. I used a GE garage door tilt sensor that is connected to my concord 4 panel. I have no problem including it in scenes, etc…

The garage door is switched on with a light module and turned off via a scene that senses when the tilt sensor has changed. Very cheap.

So…I would think it is possible using the items you posted.[/quote]

Does this set up leave the Garage Door Opener powered up so that it will work with the Homelink buttons in my car or a hand held garage door opener remote?

Yes. It does in my case. No change for the built in car opener and the traditional garage opener.

Okay, I re-read the directions. I see what it is that you’re doing. The Switch controller is not powered from 120v but rather merely serves as a receiver for the relay. I’m thinking the monoprice relays should do the same thing if wired correctly to the low voltage feed to the GDO motor from the push button in the garage.

Sorry, the link pops in the middle of the page.

I believe you are on the right path.

Good luck.

[quote=“Inzax, post:6, topic:193048”]Sorry, the link pops in the middle of the page.

I believe you are on the right path.

Good luck.[/quote]

I need to just find out whether the push button on the wall in my garage is Normally Open or Normally Closed and then hook it up to the correct feeds from the power relay… The tilt sensor will be to merely tell me if the door is horizontal or vertical and I’m thinking having this on the last panel is the way to go so it doesn’t change from H to V until the last panel is closed.

I dont know about push button part, as I am still newbie on this. I have mounted the switch at top panel at 45 degree slop. I am able to get activation if the door is lifted by twelve inches (approximately) from the ground. I don’t know its long term effect.

[quote=“Sammy2, post:7, topic:193048”][quote=“Inzax, post:6, topic:193048”]Sorry, the link pops in the middle of the page.

I believe you are on the right path.

Good luck.[/quote]

I need to just find out whether the push button on the wall in my garage is Normally Open or Normally Closed and then hook it up to the correct feeds from the power relay… The tilt sensor will be to merely tell me if the door is horizontal or vertical and I’m thinking having this on the last panel is the way to go so it doesn’t change from H to V until the last panel is closed.[/quote]
I think it is normally closed with the push button activating by making a power connection …no? Wild ass guess.

ON the tilt sensor, I use it to control the scene. So, I use a lamp module to activate the opener independent of the button on the garage wall. When I power on the lamp module I dont want it to stay on so I have a scene that turns it off when the garage tilt sensor show open. I have another scene doing the same thing when I close the garage. The tilt sensor moves to “closed” and turns off the module.

[quote=“Inzax, post:9, topic:193048”][quote=“Sammy2, post:7, topic:193048”][quote=“Inzax, post:6, topic:193048”]Sorry, the link pops in the middle of the page.

I believe you are on the right path.

Good luck.[/quote]

I need to just find out whether the push button on the wall in my garage is Normally Open or Normally Closed and then hook it up to the correct feeds from the power relay… The tilt sensor will be to merely tell me if the door is horizontal or vertical and I’m thinking having this on the last panel is the way to go so it doesn’t change from H to V until the last panel is closed.[/quote]
I think it is normally closed with the push button activating by making a power connection …no? Wild ass guess.

ON the tilt sensor, I use it to control the scene. So, I use a lamp module to activate the opener independent of the button on the garage wall. When I power on the lamp module I dont want it to stay on so I have a scene that turns it off when the garage tilt sensor show open. I have another scene doing the same thing when I close the garage. The tilt sensor moves to “closed” and turns off the module.[/quote]

Normally Closed is probably the most logical set up. It would seem that the GDO would send a low voltage signal down the 18 gage wire to the switch and when the button is pressed the circuit is complete, triggering the GDO to open or close the door. I have read that you do not want to have the switch stay closed so I see you are using a scene such that when the tilt sensor goes to open or closed it turns off the lamp module. I can do the same thing with the relay, I think. I still want to have the relay as a device, saved as a favorite, so that I can have ready access to it because I don’t think that scenes can be saved as a favorite. The detection of the door tilt, triggering an action in the relay can run in the back ground I think and all anyone (my wife) has to see is the open/close garage door “device” in the favorites list. I will be trying out this logic next weekend. I have about $50 into this set up and if it doesn’t work I suppose I will spring another $35 for the GoControl z-wave GDO controller… or I will procure the relay mentioned in your write up because I already have a monoprice light controller like the one you are using, merely being used as a signal repeater but no I have more devices in the area where it is and it may not even be necessarily any longer.

Thanks for your guidance in this matter…

You really should look at the Garage Door Plugin as the logic to control your garage door.

It has a dependency on some Switch (Z-Wave or WiFi) and a open/close sensor.

Looks like a LOCK on the UI … Lock to close the door … UnLock to open the door.


I use a WiFi switch to trip a Hand Held Garage Door opener. It’s WiFi because Z-Wave is marginal in my Garage.
I also use the WiFi switch because it’s 3 channels and I have two Garage Doors … So I have it trip two switches on the Hand Held Garage Door Opener.
I now use a DSC alarm switch sensor where the DSC is connected to my Vera.


No problem. FYI, I have saved my light module that activates the process, as a favorite device. I called it Garage Door…duh…

@Richard. Intrigued by the plugin. I might take a look. Since what I had was working since way back in the day of ADT Pulse I stayed with it and have not considered other options.

…and yea…I had the ADT Pulse system. Give me credit, I figured out enough to leave.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:11, topic:193048”]You really should look at the Garage Door Plugin as the logic to control your garage door.

It has a dependency on some Switch (Z-Wave or WiFi) and a open/close sensor.

Looks like a LOCK on the UI … Lock to close the door … UnLock to open the door.


I use a WiFi switch to trip a Hand Held Garage Door opener. It’s WiFi because Z-Wave is marginal in my Garage.
I also use the WiFi switch because it’s 3 channels and I have two Garage Doors … So I have it trip two switches on the Hand Held Garage Door Opener.
I now use a DSC alarm switch sensor where the DSC is connected to my Vera.[/quote]

I quote from your link…

A Switch that can by used to cause the garage door state to change.
I take this to mean a switch that can be controlled by the vera plus, such as the one linked in my first post?

Is the “Locked” and “Unlocked” status here meant to be “Open” and “Close”??

Yes to all your questions.

Thank you very much.

I’m looking at your other plug ins and I see some pretty cool stuff. Do you have a wiki or guide to them other than what is shown on your page? Some of the licensed ones look to be pretty useful to me.

Richard, why did you classify your plugin as a lock?

The Linear GD00Z-4 device supported natively by GetVera is listed as a Garage Door Opener. The icon is a Garage Door. The Device File = D_BinaryLight1.xml, Device JSON = D_BinaryOpenClose1.json, Category = 3 and Subcategory = 5.

I also have a Chamberlain which uses the MyQ plugin and it lists as a lock. The Device File = D_DoorLock1.xml, Device JSON = D_DoorLock1.json, Category = 7 and Subcategory = 0.

I am assuming your plugin follows the same configuration as the Chamberlain. What was the logic to classify them as a Lock instead of a Garage Door? I am just trying to understand why GetVera and the plugin programmers don’t seem to have a standard for similar devices. It also puts my Garage Door devices in two different areas when I sort devices by type.

The Linear GD00Z-4 device costs something like $85 at amazon. What I’m doing costs about $45 through monoprice. I don’t care what it’s called because one, I get to tinker with setting it up and two, I get to save a couple of bucks in the meantime… But calling it by the correct name would be nice too!