Garage Door opens, disables security... PLEG Sequence

I’m looking to create a Condition…

IF either of the 2 garage doors were closed and then opened within the last 2 minutes AND GarageDS door has not been opened in the last 10 minutes THEN action runs.

Logic being, the person didn’t open hte garage doors from inside the garage, must have occurred outside.

Would this work the way I want? …

GarageDoorsOPEN Garage1OPEN or Garage2OPEN
GarageDoorsCLOSED !Garage1OPEN or !Garage2OPEN

EntryViaGarageRemote GarageDoorsOPEN AND (GarageDoorsCLOSED;GarageDoorsOPEN < 2:00) AND (GarageDS > 10:00)

or maybe this would work better? …

EntryViaGarageRemote GarageDoorsOPEN AND (!GarageDS > 0:30;GarageDoorsCLOSED;GarageDoorsOPEN < 0:45)

[quote=“Aaron, post:1, topic:187395”]I’m looking to create a Condition…

IF either of the 2 garage doors were closed and then opened within the last 2 minutes AND GarageDS door has not been opened in the last 10 minutes THEN action runs.

EntryViaGarageRemote GarageDoorsOPEN AND (GarageDoorsCLOSED;GarageDoorsOPEN < 2:00) AND (GarageDS > 10:00)

or maybe this would work better? …

EntryViaGarageRemote GarageDoorsOPEN AND (!GarageDS > 0:30;GarageDoorsCLOSED;GarageDoorsOPEN < 0:45)[/quote]

Your first one is pretty close, but “(GarageDS > 10:00)” is invalid as it doesn’t compare to anything. You could add NOW pretty easily “(GarageDS; Now > 10:00)” plus check to make sure GarageDS is still open, but if it were me I would start a timer when each door was opened and check to see if expired…

I don’t mind using NOW as it removes code and being within 60 seconds is fine.

I tried using …

GarageDSclosed !GarageDS

(GarageDSclosed > 10:00)

but I got a LUA error?

A sequence operator uses a semi-colon (ordered) or comma (unordered) for the set of events.

PLEASE READE the PLEG getting started guide to under sequence commands.