Foscam HD camera not showing

I have 2 Foscam cameras, a SD camera and a HD camera. The Sd camera shows up and i can see a picture, but the HD camera does not show up as a device at all. I guess it is somehow not implemented yet ?

What are you setting for the HD cam? It should shoe up as long as you have it configured correctly. What version of AutHomation are you running?

  • Garrett

I know it sounds very silly, but i only downloaded it a few days ago and have not got much experience with it. And looking through the app i cannot find where i can see the version number…

And even more embarrassing, it is now in there room where it is supposed to be… and on top of it when i now tried to create another widget for this camera (which did not work before) i realised it was an imperihome widget… So will have to repost this in the right section…

Sorry about that