Foscam FI9805W Motion control - no device?

My Foscam FI9805W camera is working fine, but i do not have corresponding motion device in vera UI. Anyone jonws how to get it to appear? I already tried adding the State variable, but it doesn’t show up after reloading???

Motion is not supported on the fi9805w. Just read the fi9805 thread here or the foscam forum of the manufacturer. In there you will read no hd foscam supports this feature.

The Foscam FI9805W supports it and it works ok. I’m using it with my synology surveillance station. Therefore why shouldn’t it work with vera? Maybe someone knows how to get it working?

@pp0009, if your camera doesn’t provide a direct motion sensor in Vera, you may find this Virtual Motion Sensor would work for you. I am also using it in conjunction with Synology Surveillance Station.

Thanks looks interesting, I learned something new.

I have the FI9805W and the motion works within the camera.

I am trying to figure out how to incorporate it into scenes. At the most basic level I want to turn motion on/off when my Preset mode goes from Home/Away.

I did git this response from Foscam Support. So now how do work this into a Scene to turn on and Off Camera Motions based on when a my door is locked. Can anyone provide guidance?

Enable Motion Detection: http://ip address:port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setMotionDetectConfig&isEnable=1&usr=xxx&pwd=xxx

Disable Motion Detection: http://ip address:port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setMotionDetectConfig&isEnable=0&usr=xxx&pwd=xxx

And by the way, the correct answer for “This is a Question?” Would be No its not. It is a statement with an incorrectly placed question mark. Then again I am speaking American English. So who knows…

[quote=“chuckm, post:8, topic:179718”]I did git this response from Foscam Support. So now how do work this into a Scene to turn on and Off Camera Motions based on when a my door is locked. Can anyone provide guidance?

Enable Motion Detection: http://ip address:port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setMotionDetectConfig&isEnable=1&usr=xxx&pwd=xxx

Disable Motion Detection: http://ip address:port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setMotionDetectConfig&isEnable=0&usr=xxx&pwd=xxx

And by the way, the correct answer for “This is a Question?” Would be No its not. It is a statement with an incorrectly placed question mark. Then again I am speaking American English. So who knows…[/quote]

I think the answer to this question is to use luup. Using luup.inet.wget and a URL, it should work.

For example:


You start with the basic enable/disable of motion detection, and build the complete URL from there. What they DON’T tell you is using the URL to reset your motion detection also affects area/interval/sensitivity. By digging into the Foscam API, you can use a similar URL to the above and reset it properly each time.