Foscam FI8910W - unable to stream video when outside the network


I recently bought two Foscam F8910W and thought that I could view them through iVera

But they don’t show up, has this something to do with the things written in this thread?

I have opened the port on my router with forwarding and I can view the livestream if I go directly to the cameras liveview link: http:///videostream.cgi?user=admin&pwd=geheim&resolution=32&rate=6

But within iVera the camera section is blank

When I try the tip in this thread I get the response: {“status”:“upnp”,“url”:“http://:@:3482/videostream.cgi”}

So then the streaming should work or?

Would be really glad for some help to get the view running in iVera

I use the Foscam plugin and runs UI5 1.5.408


I am in the same boat. I am currently using port forwarding on my router to get full access to my IP cameras. But would really prefer to use the secure gateway that MiOS provides. I have tried WGET, IMAGE_REQUEST, as well as CAMERA_PORT suggested here (which I don’t see any documentation on btw).

But can’t get anything to work with live streaming MJPEG feed. Only JPEG snapshot. I also can’t find any Vera based mobile apps that can do PTZ or audio through Vera.

From what I can tell this functionality is deprecated (reason anybody?) at UI5. Maybe the RELAY request is the new solutions for this? However, this temporary port forwarding setup won’t work without special application logic (get the temporary URL back from the RELAY request, and use for subsequent requests to video feed).

I normally use TinyCam Monitor for Android (which ROCKS) but setting it up through MiOS secure gateway you lose live video, PTZ controls, and audio. I have to chose between security and features. hum.

There is no way to stream live video through the mios gateway outside of the network via ui5. You’ll have to rely on either port forwarding (not recommended) or vpn / ssh tunnel. To gain full functionality of the camera it is recommended to use a third party app like tinycam as you mentioned. There are too many cameras for a developer of a Vera app to support and is best to use a dedicated app to get all functionality.

  • Garrett

[quote=“Coline, post:1, topic:172613”]Hi just got my Foscam FI8910W yesterday in the mail, and was all exited to set it up.
I downloaded the Foscam plug-in and it was a breeze setting up the camera. I was able to see live stream via the Micasa Verde web interface and was also able to see live stream video via my

Now at work, trying to check-in on home, and I realize that live-stream is not working as expected. Logged into the webinterface of the Micasa Verde and I only see snapshots.

Does anybody know how to solve this. I just received my Micasa Verde Light 1 month ago, so I am fairly new to all of this.

Micasa Verde Light- UI5
Camera - Foscam FI8910W


Can you explain how you setup the camera? I have the same camera as you and I installed the foscam plugin, but what is next? what do I do next? can you explain in detail how to get the camera to show up ?

thanks in advance.

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