Foscam FI8910w UI7 storing video location?

I have a Foscam FI8910W working fine on UI7. I can pan/tilt and see everything I need. I also have a motion sensor in my garage, and have a scene built such that when the motion sensor goes off, it records a 20 second video. These videos are fine and the scene works great. Thing is - I never specified a location or retention policy for these videos. Where are the videos actually stored, and how long or how many videos will it keep? I don’t want some phantom area of some server or something filling up with useless videos of me pulling in & out of my garage! :slight_smile:


[quote=“fleetmack, post:1, topic:189541”]Hi,
I have a Foscam FI8910W working fine on UI7. I can pan/tilt and see everything I need. I also have a motion sensor in my garage, and have a scene built such that when the motion sensor goes off, it records a 20 second video. These videos are fine and the scene works great. Thing is - I never specified a location or retention policy for these videos. Where are the videos actually stored, and how long or how many videos will it keep? I don’t want some phantom area of some server or something filling up with useless videos of me pulling in & out of my garage! :slight_smile:


In case you been stuck under a rock, like 3 posts down from your new post I found this which might be what your looking for.,33641.0.html

Rocks are cozy to be under sometimes. Sorry, seems obvious. I promise I googled forever on this issue, but I didn’t search the forum itself before posting. Thanks for the quick reply.