Flakey Wireless ???

Has anyone experienced a problem on the wireless network, I have my laptop right next to the Vera and the network shows up in my list of available networks but will not connect then it does and then sometimes the network disappears form the list for hours. My laptop is a MacPro with duel boot OSX and Vista it happens on both OS. ???

Yes, the same issues here. I have to use another router for wireless and just let the Vera be the Z-Wave controller only.

It seems that not all the wireless cards are compatible with each other, also your router wireless frequency can interfere with the neighbors and you’ll get a bad signal or not at all.
In order to be sure that your wireless network it’s set correctly do the following:
Open Vera’s web administration page and go to Advanced → Net&Wifi

-Wifi on - YES
-Channel - 1 / 6 / 11 - this are the only channels that don’t overlap
-SSID - vera_xxxx - this is the name of your wifi network
-Broadcast SSID - YES
-Encryption - WPA2(PSK) - it uses AES and TKIP algorithm
-Passkey - between 8 and 63 characters
Note: all this settings came preconfigured with your vera and should be written on the back of the unit.


  1. Try searching for the Vera Wireless network using your wifi card manufacturer program also using the OS utility.
  2. If you see the wireless network but you can’t connect to it be sure that your wifi card and OS support WPA2 encryption using AES algorithm. You can try to disable the Encryption on the router and then try again.
  3. With some wifi program the encryption is seen as WEP and it won’t allow you to connect to the router. You have to manually specify that the encryption is WPA2 and the algorithm is AES or TKIP.
  4. More advanced settings can be found here:
  5. If you have other wireless network in the area and you can see them from your pc, try to scan for them also from the router:

For further troubleshooting please post:

  • your wifi make, model and drivers used, and OS that you’re using
  • and the output of “cat /etc/config/wireless” and “dmesg”

This is not a compatibility issue. The wireless on the vera is very flaky. I can reboot my vera3 and all (15+) devices will connect and be fine. It will be fine for 2-3 days and then everything drops off at exactly the same time. Wired networking still works fine but nothing will connect to the wireless. Sometimes it shows up in the list and sometimes it doesn’t. However the second I reboot the router everything reconnects and is fine.

This is extremely frustrating. Why have wireless on the device at all if it isn’t going to be stable.