Firmware Upgrade Needed

Hello Support,

Do you think we will have a firmware update to experiment with over the weekend?

Version 1.0.262 is pretty crippled. I can’t do much more than get Vera to turn on a lamp when a motion detector is tripped. If I try to do more, I run into some pretty serious flaws. For example:

a) I would like to add a Panasonic Network Camera BL-C30. So far I can’t find any menu selection that knows anything about cameras. I also can’t find any documentation or answers to others that have asked “How do you manually add a new camera?”.

b) I would like to save energy by having a light turn on when a motion sensor is tripped and then have the light turn off after a few minutes. The documentation and release notes say that the “add scene” is supposed to bring up additional logic choices if you select “after 5 minutes”. However, it doesn’t. Pressing F5 to refresh the browser in Firefox, takes you away from that screen and back to the start page.

c) I changed the wireless security from WPA2 to WEP and saved the options. That somehow erased all the settings and put the unit into a weird state. I was unable to add scenes and it looked like what it didn’t erase it corrupted. I used the back reset to factory defaults to start over.

d) As far as I can tell, most of the logs do not function. Syslog show a few lines but all the others show “Error reading from log. Click here to try again.”. You can’t click anything.

e) Under the Event Automation: If I select and try to build an event based on a unit turning On or Off. The only device listed is the motion detector. It would be nice to be able to have other devices allowed. For instance, If the lamp it turned on…

I have read through these forums and I know I am restating topics that have been talked about. But I am anxious to do more than turn a light on and off.


I would second that. I’m going to keep the broken 287 for a bit, but would like an interim version if possible.

Rich, I’m not support, but will answer based on what I know.

This issue has been recognized by MiCasaVerde and should be fixed soon:

While not a direct answer to you question, and though you mention using Firefox, be wary of refreshing the page. On IE it’ll load up the old settings from the browser cache and I’m sure there is a Firefox version/settings combination out there that will do the same. This will pretty quickly get your settings into a state you weren’t expecting.

Ya, am running 262 and I can’t access Vera through my iPhone. I can log onto through safari but if I goto and try to log in then I get the following:

Database request failed:

[ul][li]Error no: 1146[/li]
[li]Error: Table ‘cmh_ra.Customers’ doesn’t exist[/li]
[li]SQL query: SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Username=‘MyUserNameIsHere’ AND[/li][/ul]



Am I doing something wrong here? I was getting the same error before the firmware upgrade but I wasn’t able to logon using the regular mobile site either. Now it’s just the iphone site.

Also, if I go to Scenes I can’t do anything. I added a scene called Watch Movie but when I click the + sign nothing happens.

We have a new firmware right now that we’re testing, and it looks good to go. It fixes all the main issues with the UI which we’ve been able to reproduce. However some of these issues we can’t reproduce (comments inline). If you enable remote assistance on your box (a temporary back door so we can see your logs and config), we can have the issues fixed probably within a couple days. The best thing to do is call: (866) 966-casa or (702) 487-9770 if you’re in front of your PC and have a couple minutes to spare. It doesn’t take long. In a couple hours we’ll have the release notes updated with the fixes in the current firmware:

a) I would like to add a Panasonic Network Camera BL-C30. So far I can't find any menu selection that knows anything about cameras. I also can't find any documentation or answers to others that have asked "How do you manually add a new camera?".

This is resolved in the new firmware.

[quote]b) I would like to save energy by having a light turn on when a motion sensor is tripped and then have the light turn off after a few minutes. The documentation and release notes say that the “add scene” is supposed to bring up additional logic choices if you select “after 5 minutes”. However, it doesn’t. Pressing F5 to refresh the browser in Firefox, takes you away from that screen and back to the start page.[]quote]

This we cannot reproduce. We have tested it with IE, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. In all the browsers when we choose ‘after 5 minutes’ a subequence pull-down appears with more choices. If we were able to turn on remote assistance we can connect our firefox browser directly to your back end to see why it doesn’t appear on yours. Perhaps there’s some combination of settings we haven’t seen before that has broken the java script and is causing you not to see the next pull-down.

c) I changed the wireless security from WPA2 to WEP and saved the options. That somehow erased all the settings and put the unit into a weird state. I was unable to add scenes and it looked like what it didn't erase it corrupted. I used the back reset to factory defaults to start over.

I tried changing the WPA2 to WEP and couldn’t reproduce the problem.

d) As far as I can tell, most of the logs do not function. Syslog show a few lines but all the others show "Error reading from log. Click here to try again.". You can't click anything.

The web interface for tracing logs is not working. We put that on the backburner since the most effective way to trace logs is to telnet into the machine and use tail -f /var/log/cmh/[log file].

e) Under the Event Automation: If I select and try to build an event based on a unit turning On or Off. The only device listed is the motion detector. It would be nice to be able to have other devices allowed. For instance, If the lamp it turned on...

This will be added in about 1 to 2 weeks as we add the ability to get the feedback from the new Leviton Vizia RF + line of devices; those are the first ones that report when the switch has changed.

Ya, am running 262 and I can't access Vera through my iPhone. I can log onto through safari but if I goto and try to log in then I get the following:

Also, if I go to Scenes I can’t do anything. I added a scene called Watch Movie but when I click the + sign nothing happens.

The + sign next to a scene is supposed to expand the scene and show you the devices within that scene; not execute the scene. The ‘go’ button executes the scene. When you click + do you see the devices expanded under the scene?

Regarding iPhone, if I go to and login, I do get the iphone UI. I’ve tried it in Safari and also on an iPhone. It actually appears to be an issue with something in the cookie when you use saved login. Since you gave me the database error I was able to search the code and see what’s causing it. I created a bug report and we’ll fix this by Monday: