Firmware on new delivered Vera ?

For those who just purchased Vera, what is the firmware version installed by MCV before shipping ?


Hi –

I purchased a Vera 2 about 2 weeks ago. They shipped 1.1.1047 on the box…

Check the firmware BEFORE you start setup, I got one of these Vera2’s for a client last week and it came with an older version but the BIG ISSUE that the Vera2 was set to PRI:NO

RESET Z-Wave network is the only way to reset this issue, and it’s something you’d want to check and rectify before you use it…

Last 15 or so I have installed have come as PRI:NO also, was very annoying after I had a bunch of nodes installed to find this out and have to start over.

[quote=“myhomeserver, post:3, topic:168123”]Check the firmware BEFORE you start setup, I got one of these Vera2’s for a client last week and it came with an older version but the BIG ISSUE that the Vera2 was set to PRI:NO

RESET Z-Wave network is the only way to reset this issue, and it’s something you’d want to check and rectify before you use it…[/quote]

What was that older version ?
What means PRI:NO ?

Presumably that Vera is not the primary controller.

Can I see the PRI status remotely from Where?

Also, I’m at 1.1.1234 on a one week old unit. But I did an upgrade and do not remember what it shipped with.

[quote=“Intrepid, post:7, topic:168123”]Can I see the PRI status remotely from Where?

Also, I’m at 1.1.1234 on a one week old unit. But I did an upgrade and do not remember what it shipped with.[/quote]

Yes, click on “Z-wave device”, then “options” its right at the top…

Version 3.20 L:1
Role Master SIS:NO PRI:YES
Last update N/A
Last dongle backup 3-APR-2011 17:57

Version 3.20 L:1
Role Master SIS:NO PRI:YES
Last update N/A
Last dongle backup 13-APR-2011 18:44

Any more information from the seniors ?

MCV told me the new firmware will be released in couple of days.

That is anyone’s guess…(That would be great).

Hmmm… what does it mean when my Vera tells me it is both primary and secondary?

Version 2.78 L:1
Last update N/A
Last dongle backup 20-MAR-2011 10:33

Vera2 (1.1.1183)


[quote=“JOD, post:8, topic:167967”]…
SIS = Static Id Server. It’s what assigns the Node ID to devices on inclusion.