Firmware 1.0.423 Feedback

I’m running 1.0.423. Here’s some feedback on the UI.

In picture 1, Devices page. I would remove the username and password from the top level UI.

In picture 2, Devices page. The icons for the vizia rf hand held controller and the vizia rf 4 button scene controllers are missing. I can’t figure out how to actually use the 4 button scene controller with vera, I’ve been using it with the leviton provided instructions but I’d rather program it via vera.

In picture 3, Scenes page. Should the command be visible at this level of the UI to be consistent? I setup up these two scenes yesterday and they did not work yesterday, but this evening the xmas lights came on at 5pm.

In picture 4, this is what I see with the CA9000 PIR sensor and its associated light. Will this device be supported? If so how do I use it with vera?

Seems to me that the interface is becoming less and less intuitive and user friendly with each new iteration.

Why is there no link to a help file in each section? I do NOT want to have to listen/watch the entire video clip provided in each section simply to figure out what something does or how to set something up.

Speaking of explaining what something does and lack of intuitive interface, what do those “Go” buttons do anyway? Why can’t these type of things have some explanation evident as to what they do?

And along the lines of events and timers, where would one look to find out what events and timers have been already set up? On the scenes page, I have to drill down blindly into its depths to find this information. No indication evident that a particular room or area have timers set up at the top level.

Would suggest that within the information provided about each scene, indicators be present at the top level, showing that there are timers programmed in each of the areas where they are set up. Also would suggest as a cross reference, that in the devices page, under the details for each device, a list of each of the scenes where that device is programed and utilized be displayed.

And is there ever going to be a detailed explanation provided in layman’s terms as to how to actually set up cameras so they actually work and interface with vera? I have read/followed the forums on the trials and tribulations folks have had with their camera setups, and in all honesty it seems to be all hit or miss or accident that people get these things up and running. Why isn’t there some ‘official’ detailed instruction on how to set up a camera properly? I am using the ipcam from zonet myself and have had no luck at all getting vera to recognise it.

And lastly, why isn’t some detailed explanation provided about how to send http cmds to vera to operate devices? Yes, I have gotten the on and off sequences functional (after pouring over the cryptic and poorly explained references in the forums). How about controlling my Wayne Dalton thermostat beyond simply sending it on and off commands (like setting a temperature, or switching it from normal mode to energy saving mode for instance? And while I am on thermostats, the display of the thermostat under the device listing displays two numbers, which I assume refer to temperatures. Why isn’t there a legend next to the number boxes indicating what each of them refer to, such as “current temperature setting” and “current temperature reading” for example? Simple things of course, but the product interface needs to be aimed at the common lay person, and so far it is not there yet.

Thanks for reading and considering my comments.

Seems to me that the interface is becoming less and less intuitive and user friendly with each new iteration.

It sounds like most of your issues are that the user’s manual doesn’t match the UI. This is a temporary condition. We were going through many iterations on the UI after receiving input from the beta testers and other industry people using Vera. It would have slowed down our release schedule a lot if the devs had to re-do the user’s manual with each iteration, particularly since it was changing a lot. But now that the UI is finalized, over the next week we’ll be updating the manual again to match.

As far as what’s intuitive, a lot of this is subjective. But we did get the feedback from hundreds of users, not just the beta testers on the forum, but also Zensys’s engineers and other OEM licensing partners, and a usability consultant. So we tried to implement the most generally accepted requests. But, naturally, what’s intuitive to some is not intuitive to others.

where would one look to find out what events and timers have been already set up

In general combining events & timers into scenes was very positively received. This allows you to create multiple timers & events that do the same things. However, I do agree that it’s harder to find the timers/events since they’re now put in rooms. Right now you can just go to the dashboard and you’ll see all the events/timers/scenes there. But, on the scenes tab, I’m thinking maybe if we have 3 icons “scenes”, “events”, “timers” that appear next to the room when there are scenes/timers/events, and when you hover over them with the mouse, it has a tooltip popup that shows the names of them in that room. That would make it easier and probably solve your concern without adding too much clutter to the UI. Do you agree?

Someone has already reported it… Scene changes aren’t saved - tried to exclude one of the devices from the existing scene by setting it from Off to Unchanged. My changes aren’t saved. Yes, I tried to refresh browser.

Tech support report 266 submitted

I agree that icons with hover over popups would be a step in the right direction.

RE: Scenes not being saved, it will be a trivial change, but our java script developer is off from xmas to ny. I filled out a bug report for him when he returns;

Is it java script? I click on Save - it all looks right, and I’m getting the message “Local changes are saved” at the end. I’d suspect it’s “backend” doesn’t see that an attribute has been modified when the change is to disables something without adding anything new.

I like the new UI - much nicer graphics.

But - my WDTC-20 thermostat still doesn’t come up with the right status.
RIght now its in heat mode and the setpoint temp is 69F.
But Vera shows the temp incorrectly at 72 (actually its 69), the mode is off(but its heat) and the setpoint is 50F 77F (which I don’t understand why there are 2 numbers here - I assume 1 is the input value and the other is the true value reported by the tstat???)
So nothing is being reported correctly for this tstat.

I also have some Everspring lamp dimmers and they show up with a red cog wheel indicating they are “not ready to be used”. They’re just lamp dimmers. I can control them. But the OFF/25/50/75/on buttons don’t change when I click on them. THey do change the light level, but the icons remain the same value (ON being highlighted).
I also don’t like the fact that the buttons shift over to make room for the little swirly thing while the command is being exectued. Please just change the mouse pointer to the swirly thing.

And the HSM100s I have are still not supported as near as I can see. It knows they are general input devices but nothing about the other 2 devices or the battery level in the HSM100.

But - my WDTC-20 thermostat still doesn’t come up with the right status.
RIght now its in heat mode and the setpoint temp is 69F.
But Vera shows the temp incorrectly at 72 (actually its 69), the mode is off(but its heat) and the setpoint is 50F 77F (which I don’t understand why there are 2 numbers here - I assume 1 is the input value and the other is the true value reported by the tstat???)
So nothing is being reported correctly for this tstat.[/quote]

I have the same problem with the WDTC-20. The incorrect temperature is due to polling lag. If you poll the tsat and look at the temperature it is usally correct.

The other issue I see is a delay in getting event messages. Sometime you get them (usally 30 minutes delayed) and sometimes you don’t get them at all!

My biggest issue is when the tstat shows heat vera will say its in AUTO mode. (This should show heat or cool depending on what the tstat is set on.)

It worked for me, as explained here:

One other issue I see with 1.0.423 is in the events and timers. If you change the time of how long an event or timer needs to happen, vera does not save it. I tried changing a time from 5 hours to 7 hours and it would never accept it. I needed to delete the timer and re-do it.

As for the Dashboard page… can you extend the Enable check box that exists on the new scenes page to show and function from the dashboard so that the scenes can be easily controlled from there on the fly?

Also, I need the option or request consideration for scenes to not have to be room specific. Some scenes, such as a “goodnight” setting, cross the boundaries of rooms and would be better served by a scenes section on the dashboard.

Agree with mcoulter suggestion. Requiring scenes to be tied to a room isn’t how I program my house. My scenes are much more global than that.

We just made ‘global scenes’ and allow enabling/disabling them on the fly.

Regarding DrZWave’s thermostat and dimmer issues, this isn’t a known bug. Vera must be having trouble talking to the thermostat. Would you mind pinging us in instant messenger (, click support) when you have a chance to let me look into it? If you enable the tech support back door, then I can look at the Z-Wave traffic and see what it’s doing.

How do we make these ‘global scenes’? Are we supposed to make a room called ‘global scenes’ or am I missing something else?

Obviously, he referred to the next version of the firmware…