Firmware 1.0.320 & Cameras

View camera is still not working with this firmware. It initially displays a blank box with a red dot in it. After a few seconds it just displays a blank box.

Sorry to hear its not working yet.

Have you checked the obvious settings like setting a static IP for the camera? How about the proper URL? Have you had any success with another camera?

What is the Panasonic model number?

Go over your settings with a fine toothed comb.

Cameras were working fine with the 292 firmware. They stop working with 310 and now 320. Both are Panasonic BL-C131A.

pjgolian, I’m using the BL-C131A with 320. So there’s something else going on. Can I take a look? If you don’t mind letting me in and having nothing in front of the cameras you don’t want seen, you can enable tech support access (Advanced, Tech Support) and send me a private message with the access code. But doing it tomorrow because I’ll be leaving soon and the back door is only open for 5 hours.

What time tomorrow is good for you? I’m pretty booked with meetings at work until 2pm EST. I then have an appointment from 4-6pm.

I’m at my computer all day today until about 7pm PST, except for the odd break. You can try me on IM (, support) or (866) 966-casa ext 803. That goes to my cell phone if I’m not at my desk so I’ll always answer.