I’ve found bits and pieces in the forum about remote access but I can’t seem to get it to work. I’ve tried findvera.com and it works great, though the format could use some improvement. However, I’m trying to forward to other computers (ftp server) on my network with my vera being the only router.
I’ve tried setting firewall rules and they don’t work. I can ssh to the vera on the LAN though. I’ve also tried using port 3451 from the van.
Also, has anyone successfully used the package manager tab? I’ve initiated installs of packages, but nothing shows up in the installed packaged area.
I ran a df command and it shows 100% on /. Is this normal? RAM usage is also at > 95% I wonder if this is why I can’t install an SW? I’m specifically trying to install openvpn server as an alternative to ssh.
copy the ./etc/config/openvpn and ./etc/init.d/openvpn to /
edit the config file according to your needs
edit the init script to:
download every time the above packages and unpack them in /tmp
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=“/tmp/usr/lib”
before running openvpn from /tmp/usr/bin/openvpn
cj, Thanks for the reply. That seems like a feasible workaround, but a little cumbersome. It would require the source of the packages to always be up and in the same place. I could maybe host the package myself on my local NAS or try to mount a USB drive to the Vera. Then I’d worry about where the config files were so any apps I install do not go back to default settings every time I reboot the router and it reinstalls the ipkgs.
Any possible way to just expand the jffs partition a few blocks? I only need a few apps.