- Error: Invalid hw key.

After some time doing other think I started to install Vera. So this morning I updated Vera and tried to register at findvera. Got the answer: “Invalid hw key” but couldn’t find any help.
So I have to ask for help!

Thanks in advance


What is the serial number on your Vera? When activating the service the serial number and a unique hardware key stored in the nvram are validated to ensure that only the real owner is activating the service. Otherwise, an intruder could impersonate your system and interfere with your remote access. It’s possible the nvram got corrupted or something.

SN is xxxx, MAC is xx:xx:xx:xx:yy:zz


lift up, still not working

Enable Tech-Support and send us a Trouble-Report from Advanced → Trouble_Report

Tech support enabled, report started, Vera still showing “sending report, please wait” and “Operation successful”. After some minutes the failed icon occured. Tried again without success. So I just sent you a pm.


We’ve received your trouble report and fixed your issue.

Thanks, service is running

believe I am having the same problem:

sn is 76ab, is the MAC needed too?

Sent report, successfully.

EDIT: all working now, thanks folks!

There was a mistake on your unit back at the factory where the firmware image was flashed and the MAC address programmed in. Somehow you got a MAC address that wasn’t in our database. That was the reason. Sorry.

OK so the MAC on the label is wrong then?

The MAC on the label should be ok. You can always check it manually by doing: telnet [ip of vera] and at the command prompt typing: ifconfig

DON’T POST ON THE FORUM YOUR VERA SERIAL NUMBER, MAC ADDRESS OR YOUR HARDWARE KEY. This informations have to be sent to or through a trouble report directly from your Vera unit.