Findings after usage for 1 week

As a new user I find Vera very interesting and have the following findings after usage for about 1 week using the EU version:


  1. “Wifi not enabled” worked when I first set it, but now I can scan for the SSID and find it on my wifi even though it is disabled.

  2. Sections - what are they used for?

  3. I have an unassigned zwave dimmer vera says, but I simply do not have a 3rd zwave device - how do I get rid of this. I have tried to delete the device, but after a rescan it pops up again as unassigned.

  4. I have a “power of all dimmers” scene - why does it have to be attached to a certain room when my devices are in different rooms?

  5. Location has now after the latest fw update set the time correctly, but the date is now counting onwards from January 1st. It now says January 2nd… "Sun Jan 2 22:36:49 CET 2000 " and the time is about 15 minutes ahead of the current Danish time. (In advanced setttings in the WRT it says that no NTP client has been installed - but is vera using its own or what?)

  6. Logs: When checking logs i get "Error reading from log. Click here to try again.
    " on most

I have not checket if my bugs/findings are current known bugs, so excuse me for not doing so.

My FW version is 1.0.320 .

My priorities are in order 5,3,4 and the rest in no particular order.


3. I have an unassigned zwave dimmer vera says, but I simply do not have a 3rd zwave device - how do I get rid of this. I have tried to delete the device, but after a rescan it pops up again as unassigned.
I think I saw this problem as well, and I solved it by using the reset mode on the dongle, as described in: Devices->Add other z-wave devices

[quote=“anker, post:1, topic:164184”]1. “Wifi not enabled” worked when I first set it, but now I can scan for the SSID and find it on my wifi even though it is disabled.

  1. Sections - what are they used for?

  2. I have an unassigned zwave dimmer vera says, but I simply do not have a 3rd zwave device - how do I get rid of this. I have tried to delete the device, but after a rescan it pops up again as unassigned.

  3. I have a “power of all dimmers” scene - why does it have to be attached to a certain room when my devices are in different rooms?

  4. Location has now after the latest fw update set the time correctly, but the date is now counting onwards from January 1st. It now says January 2nd… "Sun Jan 2 22:36:49 CET 2000 " and the time is about 15 minutes ahead of the current Danish time. (In advanced setttings in the WRT it says that no NTP client has been installed - but is vera using its own or what?)

  5. Logs: When checking logs i get "Error reading from log. Click here to try again.
    " on most

I have not checket if my bugs/findings are current known bugs, so excuse me for not doing so.

My FW version is 1.0.320 .

My priorities are in order 5,3,4 and the rest in no particular order.


  1. What OS and scan utility are you using? In what it says under Radio button?

  2. Sections are used to split your house in multiple sections like first floor/second floor etc. To manage easier your devices on the dashboard.

  3. you should try resetting your Zwave dongle, then re-add all your Zwave devices

4.You can easily create a room named All Rooms or however, where you’ll place the scenes that command devices from multiple rooms.

5.The ntpclient it’s installed already, but it seems to be a bug in the startup script of ntpclient, sometimes it tries to start the ntpclient without a host on which to connect. We’re working on fixing this

6.We’ve modified the logging mechanism, we’re working on re-making this html page.

REf #1. I am using Win XP SP2. I have now changed the radio button in the wrt settings through your link and it now sems to work fine!

Ref #3. Do I loose all my events, etc. when resetting the dongle?

I understand the ntp bug, but this is crusial for methat this works or my events (main purpose) are no good… Can you guide me through setting time and date manually? I am a linux novice…

Hope for the ntp fix soon :wink:

I would expect it to be possible to select a scene in setting up an timer - will this be possible in the near future?

Regards anker

1: I created a bug report so we will try to reproduce the issue and fix it:

3: This means that somehow there is a Z-Wave device paired to the dongle. The dongle has it’s own flash memory to store the list. For now, just put it in a room and leave it there. In a couple days there will be a new firmware with a ‘permanently remove dead node’ button that will remove it from the dongle’s memory as well as our own device list.

  1. It’s long been debated whether scenes should be ‘global’ or room based. While there are a few times that global scenes are preferred, we found that 90% of the time people prefer room based. The best thing to do is just put it in whatever room you’re most likely to use it. Remember, what room you put in a scene is just for categorization and has nothing to do with lights it can control.

  2. we created a bug report:

In the next firmware due in a few days you can select a scene with timer; in fact timers become an add-on for scenes.