Fibaro double relay switch FGS-221 - instant status


I have a device device #132 which is master and has:

The slave E1 which is device #133 (E1) does not update status upon flipping the switch.

Vera does thus not see the status updated anymore.

According to the manual of the device:

It should be sending instant status:

And some other info for parameter 13 is shown there, not sure what it means and if it has to do with it:

I have asked support: Can you please help me to restore the instant status back to functioning again.

But in advance of them responding I hope i might see some help from the community here…

Are you sure you had instant status? My FGS 212 relies on polling.
FGS2x3 has instant status.
Parameter 13 just links the status of a bistable switch to the device status. This won’t affect how that device status is then updated to the controller. Since I only chose an earlier version of the switch to allow a zero volt contact, for me it’s time to upgrade…

Hi, why should I not be sure? The manuals says it?