Fibaro 3in1 setup

Hello all,

I recieved the fibaro 3 in1 sensor:

And according the documentation you can use it as a scene activator , but as usuall the documentation from fibaro is well… not so good and I have difficulties understanding it.

The idea is to use the 3in1 sensor as a doorbell activator , when pressing a springloaded button connected on this device it should activate a scene.

For the moment I connected just to wires to “ground” and “in”, connecting them should do the trick for testing purposes. I also connected the DS18B20 temp sensor to the device. ( not sure if it works correctly, it keeps on showing 23 degrees , and it cooled down here now to 18 degrees ?!?!?)

Anyway , most important is that it can activate a scene, I inserted parameter 14 to 1 and parameter 3 to 1, see attached screenshot.

What next?
how do I tell a scene when I push the button it should activate that scene:
here a copy paste from the manual:

Scene activation functionality.
Default value: 0
Available parameter settings:
0 - functionality deactivated
1 - functionality activated

The device offers the possibility of sending commands compatible
with Command class scene activation. Information is sent to
devices assigned to association group no. 3
Controllers such as the Home Center 2 are able to interpret such
commands and based on these commands activate scenes, to
which specific scene IDs have been assigned. The user may
expand the functionality of a button connected to IN input by
distinguishing the sequence of it being pushed. For example:
double click would trigger the ?goodnight? scene and triple click
would trigger the ?morning? scene. To fully use the possibilities
offered by the parameter no.14 it is recommended to use a
momentary or a toggle switch (parameter no.3).
Scene ID is determined in the following manner:
IN input:
Switch from ?off? to ?on? ID10
Switch from ?on? to ?off? ID11
Remaining IDs are recognized correctly if the value of parameter
no.3 was set to 2
Holding down ID12
Releasing ID13
Double click ID14
Triple click ID15

Hopefully someone can share some light.

One more thing , When I bought the device I thought it is a doorsensor ,temperature sensor and a binary input all together ( 3 in 1), but when I test the device I think it is OR door sensor , OR binary input . Also the tamper switch is a bit vague , not sure if it works :-s

I think Fibaro should hire a new ( and better) manual writer :-s

Thanks for the help,

I found something on the fibaro forum , But i will need some help inserting this LUA code: the thread:

The code:

[code]if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(45, “sceneActivation”)) == 10)


5 - id device 10 - value of scen activation from instruction

The Parent from my devide has ID 34

Someone posted this:

Im using the this code to turn on a lamp id 38 using a dubbelclick on in2. The id of universal sensor in 2 is 44. [code]--[[ %% autostart %% properties %% globals --]]

if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(44, “sceneActivation”)) == 24)

fibaro:call(38, “turnOn”);

The scene won’t trigger. Is there something wrong with the code above?

Can someone tell me what I have to do to activate a scene?

many many thanks,

sorry i don’t have the answer!
but i wonder if (and how) you get the temperature and is it possible to add notification attached?

@ clairedenys: change something in the configuration , like in the attached screenshot.

Notifications are possible as well.

Noone who can help me with the LUUP code , how and where to insert it in a scene :frowning:

Cheers ,

[quote=“Cor, post:4, topic:173995”]@ clairedenys: change something in the configuration , like in the attached screenshot.

Notifications are possible as well.

Noone who can help me with the LUUP code , how and where to insert it in a scene :frowning:

Cheers ,

it works well!
i am too early in vera to be able to help you! and didn’t have ringbell!

No -one is interested using this device as a scene activator ???

Just got it to work with a “work arround”; I created a scene based on a trigger from this sensor … that worked…
