FGS221 child will config-parent config fails?

This dual relay is working. I have excluded and included again, same result.

The child config is fine. But the parent always tuns red and failed to config"

Any tricks to get this working right?

Have you tried the Settings tab, Configure node right now button? Are you setting any Configuration variables on the Device Options tab?

I tried the settings tab already. No I actually did not change any variable. It is factory config.

It’s funny to me the child (s1) is fine. Only S0 won’t configure. This makes no sense to me.

[quote=“bucko, post:3, topic:177229”]I tried the settings tab already. No I actually did not change any variable. It is factory config.

It’s funny to me the child (s1) is fine. Only S0 won’t configure. This makes no sense to me.[/quote]
I don’t know what you mean by S0. Vera normally assigns an FGS221 three devices. The first, with the lowest device ID, is the parent device and controls the S1 relay. The next is a child with a device ID of parent+1 and is normally hidden. The third, with a device ID of parent+2, controls the S2 relay. Only the parent device can be configured but the parameters affect both S1 and S2 relays.

i’m very sure that you can not config a child-device … only the parent.
i did run in the same problems before with serval device manufacturers …

i learned to avoid configure childs and all works fine now

assuming you mean e0 as s0.
e0 is supposed to be a hidden device !

there inly 2 Devices you can work with.
the Parent (the one holds the nodeID) … and the e2 device (the second child)

Ok you guys. I understand. I only have 2 devices. And in this case Device 241 (parent), Device 245 (child).
I knew only the parent can be configured, however advance tab showed the child had Config variable as . The parent had Config variable as -3 (failed).

So in the child advance tab I deleted the Config 1 (left it blank.
Then I went into the parent Settings and clicked config now.
3 seconds and by magic the parent configured and the child has Config as 0 (normal)

Somehow Vera got the two devices backwards, and was trying to configure the child. I don’t get it, but right now it is working.
Go figure.

Thank you all for the help!