FGS-223 devices disappearing

HI all,

I’ve raised a ticket on this, but just wondered if anyone else has seen similar?

For the past 4 years, we’ve had the device installed at the end of our garden in a waterproof enclosure, controlling 2 water pumps. Recently, we had one of our FGS223’s just disappear from UI, meaning that the reactor setup which controls the pumps, reported errors.

Has anyone else seen the same?

This has now happened for a new 223 unit, only installed in the last 2 weeks, and held ready for action, as a backup for if the main 223 disappears.

Re-installing our original 223 this morning, installation went fine, but the setup seems to be having issues, resulting in “Please wait! Getting secure classes”

Running latest firmware on VeraPlus : 1.7.5186 (7.31)


Vera support have advised that the issue relates to the following settings being on my VP:

role was “Suc SIS: NO PRI: YES”

and by resetting my z-wave network, they changed it to: “Suc SIS: YES PRI: YES”

However that has removed all my physical devices, and some I can’t access at the moment to reset and re-include. I have a veralite and also a hubz z-wave usb stick. Can I use any of these to keep the z-wave network intact and make the necessary change to the controller?