FGS-222 and Dry Contacts/Alarm

I connected a Fibaro FGS222 to a dry contact from my alarm system which allows me to mobilize/disable the alarm form Vera Edge. I set paramter 14 to 0 (which makes it a momentary switch) since that is how the contact works with the alarm wiring. When I turn the device to on in Vera, nothing happens. When I turn it off, it changes state. On off turns it on and on off again turns it off. Anyone have a FGS-222 working with a dry contact as a momentary switch and have it working correctly?

I used this module otherwise, but I have set variable 13 and 14 to ‘1’.

Parameter No. 13 - Assigns bistable key status to the device status. Default value: 0 Available configuration parameters: 0 - [On / Off] device changes status on key status change. 1 - Device status depends on key status: ON when the key is ON, OFF when the key is OFF

Maybe this helps!

[quote=“A.Ardon, post:2, topic:193670”]I used this module otherwise, but I have set variable 13 and 14 to ‘1’.

Parameter No. 13 - Assigns bistable key status to the device status. Default value: 0 Available configuration parameters: 0 - [On / Off] device changes status on key status change. 1 - Device status depends on key status: ON when the key is ON, OFF when the key is OFF

Maybe this helps![/quote]
Setting param 14 to 1 makes it a toggle switch, but this is a momentary switch. I understand most people use the FGS-222 as a toggle switch - I’m asking about a momentary switch.

Guy’s, just a question…I have two of those fgs222, in my configuration, the device option tabs is empty. How have you set parameter 14? I have a vera edge on UI7
Or is this an ‘adoption’ problem and should I normally have a device option tab?

best regards,

To use it as a momentary switch, you can set the “delay off” time for each of the 2 switches:

Parameter No. 4 - Auto off for relay 1.
Default value: 0
Available settings:
[1 - 65535] (0,1 s ? 6553,5 s) Time period for auto off, in miliseconds
0 - Auto off disabled

Parameter No. 5 - Auto off for relay 2.
Default value: 0
Available settings::
[1 - 65535] (0,1 s ? 6553,5 s) Time period for auto off, in miliseconds
0 - Auto off disabled

[quote=“mtx123, post:5, topic:193670”]To use it as a momentary switch, you can set the “delay off” time for each of the 2 switches:

Parameter No. 4 - Auto off for relay 1.
Default value: 0
Available settings:
[1 - 65535] (0,1 s ? 6553,5 s) Time period for auto off, in miliseconds
0 - Auto off disabled

Parameter No. 5 - Auto off for relay 2.
Default value: 0
Available settings::
[1 - 65535] (0,1 s ? 6553,5 s) Time period for auto off, in miliseconds
0 - Auto off disabled[/quote]

That’s creative but I don’t think it will work. It will indeed temporarily make the circuit when I click to turn it on, but when I want to turn it off, the UI will already show it in the off state and clicking again will look like I’m trying to turn it on even though I’d b trying to turn it off. Besides, parameter 14 was designed explicitly for this, so it should work, no?

[quote=“OlivierToebosch, post:4, topic:193670”]Guy’s, just a question…I have two of those fgs222, in my configuration, the device option tabs is empty. How have you set parameter 14? I have a vera edge on UI7
Or is this an ‘adoption’ problem and should I normally have a device option tab?

best regards,
This is how it works for the FGS221 in UI7 on a Vera Edge (I expect it to be the same for FGS222):

Select the “device options” tab,
Type “14” in the variable box,
select ‘1 byte dec’ in the data size box,
enter ‘0’ for the desired value.
Select ‘Save changes’.
wait a few minutes


Then I think I misinterpreted your question, what is exactly the behaviour that you would like to see ?
My understanding was that you need an action like this [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,31694.msg229657.html#msg229657]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,31694.msg229657.html#msg229657[/url]
Definitions like toggle switch, momentary switch, pulse switch, etc can be confusing:
some people refer to the input action(hardware actuator switch connected to the FGS222, or actuator via UI),
others to the output action itself (relay action in this case).

[quote=“mtx123, post:7, topic:193670”][quote=“OlivierToebosch, post:4, topic:193670”]Guy’s, just a question…I have two of those fgs222, in my configuration, the device option tabs is empty. How have you set parameter 14? I have a vera edge on UI7
Or is this an ‘adoption’ problem and should I normally have a device option tab?

best regards,
This is how it works for the FGS221 in UI7 on a Vera Edge (I expect it to be the same for FGS222):

Select the “device options” tab,
Type “14” in the variable box,
select ‘1 byte dec’ in the data size box,
enter ‘0’ for the desired value.
Select ‘Save changes’.
wait a few minutes


So you have a filled in device option tab. Once I would have that, I’m pretty sure I can do what I want. I’ll try to reset the thing and bring the controller to that place. What a pain in the back…I must conclude he didn’t pair well.

Then I think I misinterpreted your question, what is exactly the behaviour that you would like to see ?
My understanding was that you need an action like this [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,31694.msg229657.html#msg229657]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,31694.msg229657.html#msg229657[/url]
Definitions like toggle switch, momentary switch, pulse switch, etc can be confusing:
some people refer to the input action(hardware actuator switch connected to the FGS222, or actuator via UI),
others to the output action itself (relay action in this case).[/quote]

What you suggested is correct functional behavior, but not ideal user experience. The momentary contact between the two terminals changes state of the alarm. The first time they contact the alarm goes on, the next time they contact the alarm goes off. The issue with your solution is that in UI7, it will show Off all the time (except for the 2 seconds the contact is happening and the auto off is triggered) so when I go to arm the alarm, it will look like its off, I will turn it on (which is fine) but when I want to disarm the alarm, the UI will be showing “Off” and I’ll be clicking to turn it on, when in actuality it will be turning the alarm off. Make sense?

I’d be happy either if the state was reflected correctly as I will only be arming/disarming from Vera OR if the UI was a button click which showed no state. I’d like to avoid the experience of asking someone to turn something on when they are trying to turn something off.


[quote=“MSW, post:10, topic:193670”]What you suggested is correct functional behavior, but not ideal user experience. The momentary contact between the two terminals changes state of the alarm. The first time they contact the alarm goes on, the next time they contact the alarm goes off. The issue with your solution is that in UI7, it will show Off all the time (except for the 2 seconds the contact is happening and the auto off is triggered) so when I go to arm the alarm, it will look like its off, I will turn it on (which is fine) but when I want to disarm the alarm, the UI will be showing “Off” and I’ll be clicking to turn it on, when in actuality it will be turning the alarm off. Make sense?

I’d be happy either if the state was reflected correctly as I will only be arming/disarming from Vera OR if the UI was a button click which showed no state. I’d like to avoid the experience of asking someone to turn something on when they are trying to turn something off.


OK, I think I understand now: the first on/off “pulse” will switch the alarm on, the second pulse will switch it off.

One way to reflect the status on the UI side, could be by using a virtual switch, that (via a scene) triggers the contact to pulse when it is set from off–>on,
and also triggers the contact to pulse when it is set from on–>off.
The status of the virtualswitch indicates then armed/unarmed.

The drawback is that you will never be sure, by only looking at the Vera UI, whether the alarm is switched on or off.
For example when a pulse is missed for whatever reason, the sequence is disturbed.
It would be better if you could feedback a statusfrom the alarmunit to Vera , that indicates the status of the alarm (armed/unarmed).
But maybe such an extern signal is not available ?

[quote=“mtx123, post:11, topic:193670”][quote=“MSW, post:10, topic:193670”]What you suggested is correct functional behavior, but not ideal user experience. The momentary contact between the two terminals changes state of the alarm. The first time they contact the alarm goes on, the next time they contact the alarm goes off. The issue with your solution is that in UI7, it will show Off all the time (except for the 2 seconds the contact is happening and the auto off is triggered) so when I go to arm the alarm, it will look like its off, I will turn it on (which is fine) but when I want to disarm the alarm, the UI will be showing “Off” and I’ll be clicking to turn it on, when in actuality it will be turning the alarm off. Make sense?

I’d be happy either if the state was reflected correctly as I will only be arming/disarming from Vera OR if the UI was a button click which showed no state. I’d like to avoid the experience of asking someone to turn something on when they are trying to turn something off.


OK, I think I understand now: the first on/off “pulse” will switch the alarm on, the second pulse will switch it off.

One way to reflect the status on the UI side, could be by using a virtual switch, that (via a scene) triggers the contact to pulse when it is set from off–>on,
and also triggers the contact to pulse when it is set from on–>off.
The status of the virtualswitch indicates then armed/unarmed.

The drawback is that you will never be sure, by only looking at the Vera UI, whether the alarm is switched on or off.
For example when a pulse is missed for whatever reason, the sequence is disturbed.
It would be better if you could feedback a statusfrom the alarmunit to Vera , that indicates the status of the alarm (armed/unarmed).
But maybe such an extern signal is not available ?[/quote]

I have that signal as well - it comes back via a Fibaro Universal Sensor - but I didn’t think there any way to reflect that in the same UI element that shows the arm/disable button. Can that be done with the virtual switch?

I think it requires some experimenting, but this is how I would try to do it:
Suppose the alarm status input is named Alarm_state,
the output relay contact is Alarm_cmd, and it is a FGS222, programmed as a delay-off with 2 sec delay

  1. add a virtual switch (you need a plugin for that), let’s say the name is VSw_1
    This Vsw_1 is the command switch, and will also reflect the input the state of Alarm_state

  2. add a scene to monitor the status of the alarmsystem:
    if Alarm_state = on, then VSw_1 = on,
    if Alarm_state = off, then Vsw_1 = off
    (I am not sure if this is possible within one scene, otherwise you need 2 scenes.)

  3. add another scene to activate the FGS222 to send a on/off pulse to the alarm unit, whenever you switch VSw_1:
    if VSw_1 goes on–>off: set Alarm_cmd to On (it will set itself back to Off after 2 sec)
    if VSw_1 goes off–>on: set Alarm_cmd to On (it will set itself back to Off after 2 sec)