FGD211 Param advice please


I want to use an FGD211 dimmer to power a phone charger for all wall tablet application.

I have set Param 10 to 0. Is that correct for this application.

I notice when the dimmmer if off and the phone plugged in I can see the charge indicator on the phone going on and off constantly.

When I power the FGD211 on you can hear a gentle hum or buzzing sound. Is this correct.

Please advise if the Param setting is correct or if I need to change other parameters.

Many thanks

The FGD-211 is the Fibaro Dimmer 1 module. You’d be better using one of their relay / switch devices for just turning on or off the charger.

User manual here for the FGD-211

I would have also set parameter 10 to 0 as you have.

Parameter No. 10 - Time of Automatic moving the Dimmer
between the extreme dimming values.
Default value: 1
Options for changing parameter 0-255 (0ms – 2.5s)
0 - this value disables the smooth change in light intensity
NOTE value 0 is required for inductive and capacitive devices
unsuitable for dimming, (e.g. fluorescent lamps , motors etc.)

Many thanks. I thought that might be the case. Off to the shops for me then :slight_smile: