feedback request: 1.0.843 Luup beta for the general public

So is it ready yet??? Monday has come and gone

Can someone please tell me if it is safe to return to 616 from 843?! And if it is - then please give a short description on how to do it safely.

Just updated to version 862 but no difference to my problems :-[

Upgrading and downgrading should work without an issue. I’ve done it probably at least 50 times and never had an issue. However, a couple of the threads led me to believe the problem was that the browser was caching the old javascript. When you move between Luup versions, or between non-Luup versions, you get an error if the browser is caching a different version. That doesn’t work when moving between Luup and non-Luup because the API is different. You have to explicitly reload the page (usually ctrl+f5) to load the new java script. I’m suspecting that’s the issue that was reported with upgrade and downgrade issues.

Regarding the problem with the Merten and other devices not working that worked in 616, I don’t see any trouble tickets submitted. We’ve tested Luup with every device we have and it’s been more compatible and we haven’t found any instances of devices not working in Luup that worked in 616. Unfortunately, without a trouble ticket, there’s nothing we can do, though. The only way we can identify the issue is if you (a) go to ADvanced, Logs, and check ‘verbose logs’, then (b) reproduce the problem, and (c) submit a trouble ticket explaining what happened. The trouble ticket will include the logs.

Up- and downgrading should work??? I did not! If it is a matter of following the “correct” procedure it would be very helpful if you post a detailed description on how to do it along with the request for feedback. That would save a lot of agony…

I am not shure I understand fully what to do? Exactely WHEN during the procedure do I have to reload the page?

Concerning the Merten and other devices not working… i am simply reporting what happened following the same procedure to include them as I did for the 616. At the moment we are preparing for a large party in the house and I need the system up and running and hence have to wait utnil after that to do further testing. I will come ack to the issues in a weeks time…

But all in all… I can’t wait to start playing seriously with the LUUP version.

re: problem tickets - I had submitted two, which took days before I had any response, and then it was just to try the latest version. I haven’t because I don’t want to spend my weekend recovering… again.

Which brings us to being able to upgrade/downgrade. There most certainly are cases where this is difficult at best, as mentioned by me in this an other threads, as well as a few others.

When the firmware change doesn’t take and, for example, you are stuck at the can’t-load-database-message or there are no processes running, then getting a new firmware on the device is anything but simple. Even if one did not spend hours trying to get things to work first, the recovery process is arduous. Go and download a previous version of the firmware (and you have to know what it’s number was). Then download a rescue program, which is in a zip file with other things, some of which report missing DLL’s. Now run the rescue program, selecting the file you downloaded before. (Why can’t the program grab a list of releases from the web and grab one and use it?) Better be running the right OS, version, etc, or it won’t work. Vista Ultimate 64 - best to try it under XP compatibility mode. Now, finally, you may be able to downgrade. Ooops, it doesn’t like the backup you made before starting all of this - which was created with the same version. Try again. Oh lookie, here - it likes one of the backups from June. A day - or more likely a couple of part-days - and your house is running again.

Sorry - but these releases should not be so painful, nor the recovery process. A few months ago, I would have jumped on the “great support” bandwagon. But the last few updates, the long time to address the tstat issues, and the much longer delays in responding to tickets have ended the honeymoon.

Stability and useability were key factors in many of us selecting Vera. These should not (cannot) fall by the wayside while new features are being added. Besides, even for the geeks among us, our families have to live with these issues, too – and they have much less tolerance.


Well, I’m a glutton for punishment… I tried to update. It went successfully, but again could not load the database. And, since I can’t get into the GUI, I cannot send you a support ticket. Rrrrrrrr.

Back to 602 - the last version that consistently worked for me. I think I’ll wait until the LUUP is no longer beta. At least I hope I do!

UPDATE: Attempts at running “” fail with the message “Failed to download the Firmware Url!!!”. Looks like rescue.exe again. Back to re-wiring the network to get this to run…


As described earlier – my problem is that each of my individual switches are working but when defining a scene some switches do not switch!

By a closer look at the log files it appears that when switching individually a command using levels are issued as for example “level 99 node 7” to switch ON and “level 0 node 7” to switch OFF. However, when defining a scene the same switch is switched off using commands “OFF node 7” and for on “ON node 7” and that doesn’t work! Although the log file reports that the commands was successfully sent!

What is the reason the ON and OFF are used instead of level 0 and 99???

The switch is a type ACT dimmable….

Well, I'm a glutton for punishment... I tried to update. It went successfully, but again could not load the database. And, since I can't get into the GUI, I cannot send you a support ticket. Rrrrrrrr. Back to 602 - the last version that consistently worked for me. I think I'll wait until the LUUP is no longer beta. At least I hope I do! UPDATE: Attempts at running "" fail with the message "Failed to download the Firmware Url!!!". Looks like rescue.exe again. Back to re-wiring the network to get this to run...

There’s no reason why you have to use the rescue utility unless you unplugged Vera while it was in the middle of writing the firmware upgrade and thus got a corrupted firmware, as evidenced by a slow, blinking light the moment you apply power. That’s the only reason you ever need to run the rescue. The problem you describe is probably that you need to press Ctrl+F5 on your browser to reload the page, or choose 'View, ‘Reload’ page on a mac.

Also, if you have a problem like this, it’s much better to just call tech support or email support [at] micasaverde. While we’re doing the Luup beta myself and the other developers are covering them 7 days a week.

What is the reason the ON and OFF are used instead of level 0 and 99?

Can you please go to Advanced, Logs, check ‘verbose logging’. Then try the light both directly and as part of the scene. Then go to Advanced, Tech support, and submit a trouble ticket. Put ‘for Aaron’ in the comments. I’m the Z-Wave programmer, and I’ll see why it’s doing that.

Just did id is: 7551

[quote=“micasaverde, post:29, topic:164680”]There’s no reason why you have to use the rescue utility unless you unplugged Vera while it was in the middle of writing the firmware upgrade and thus got a corrupted firmware, as evidenced by a slow, blinking light the moment you apply power. That’s the only reason you ever need to run the rescue. The problem you describe is probably that you need to press Ctrl+F5 on your browser to reload the page, or choose 'View, ‘Reload’ page on a mac.

Also, if you have a problem like this, it’s much better to just call tech support or email support [at] micasaverde. While we’re doing the Luup beta myself and the other developers are covering them 7 days a week.[/quote]

I’ve never lost power or had any obvious interuption when doing the firmware upgrade. I also always use Ctrl-F5, and have even tried closing all browsers, re-opening, and re-Ctrl-f5ing.

As far as contacting support, I have emailed in the past, and I can’t imagine you are not looking at support tickets. That surprises me. Many of my issues seem to relate to the UI not working after the upgrades (can’t load the database for one reason or another). Once that happens, I’m stuck, because I can’t use the UI to downgrade, and typically the URL command doesn not work, either. In the past couple fo cases, SSH no longer works and/or there are missing processes, no logs, etc. This is all in my support tickets - the last of which took 3 days to get a response to. (#954).

DrZeller, sorry for the problems you’re having. I just emailed you my direct phone #. I’m around all week Mon-Fri 8a to 7p PST. If you have the spare time and are willing to upgrade to Luup again (I think you downgraded), would you mind calling me first so we can talk on the phone while you do the upgrade? I’ve upgraded/downgraded many times a day, and never had a problem. So I think that you might be doing something different than what we’re expecting. I’d like to talk on the phone as you do the upgrade, and I’ll put my Vera to the exact same version as yours is, and do the exact same steps you do with the same browser to see if we can figure out why it’s not working for you. What you’re describing sounds exactly like what you’d see when the browser cache isn’t cleared, but if you are pressing Ctrl+F5 in your browser, then definitely the cache should be cleared.

just upgraded to 1.0.843 and now database won’t load. submitted support ticket #980. since others reported trouble i reset vera to factory default and reset the network before the upgrade. suggestions?

tried updating vera with 1.0.843 again. cmh page still loads but vera only responds with “please wait for data to load” and is therefore inoperable. could this failure relate to old version of dongle firmware?

mcv - need a little help here.

support ticket 980 submitted with logs last night.

Not sure if I should post here or in the user interface section, but since this feedback is about the Luup beta, I wanted to provide some feedback about the new Smartphone interface:

First, it’s a lovely improvement. I’m using an iPhone over WiFi at home, and it’s a huge leap forward in terms of elegance. Much prettier overall, and far easier to navigate (both within individual “rooms” and between pages). Scenes and devices are easily controlled.

Two suggestions:

  1. I’m not sure how to change the temperature (if that’s possible) using this interface. I’ve created scenes that set the temp of the three Wayne-Dalton Z-wave thermostats in the house, and each of the individual thermostats is visible as a device, but their current the target temps are not visible at all. Buttons (for Off/Cool/Heat/Auto, and Fan: Off/Auto) are visible, and can be pushed. However, other than activating a scene, I’m not sure how I’d manually target the thermostat to a desired value using this interface.

  2. More minor: Following triggering a command, the interface automatically displays a helpful “Command completed OK” message. From there, one can get back to the prior screen by pressing a small back arrow button in the upper left. This button should be enlarged. Additionally, it might be nice to add a home symbol (like the Safari icon for home page, or that in the mcv logo) to go back to the main house page. Secondly, it would be even nicer to have an option to display the “command completed” confirmation transiently, and then go back to the previous page automatically.

That’s all for now. All in all, it’s clear that you’re making great progress, and it’s nice to see such great progress from those of use here since the beginning. Keep up the great work.

So has anybody heard back about why the data base won’t load yet. I already reverted back to 616 but really liked some of the new features of the 843 so I’d really like to get it working.

After 4 days vera tech support came back with the following email in response to my support request ticket:

You’ll have to force refresh your browser to reload the new javascript code. In the logs everything seems ok.

More than a little frustrating. This was also the response that dezeller recieved and reported earlier in this thread… SO OF COURSE I TRIED THAT ALREADY 4 DAYS AGO…

I am not sure what to do.

Have you selected “reset to factory settings” on upgrade screen?

yes. tried that and also a hard reset using the back button. also reset z wave network and added just one light switch to keep it simple.

now, out of frustration, i’m replying to my own posts since i am not getting help from mcv. just tried loading 862. same problem. cmh page reloads after firmware upgraded but all and any of the radiobuttons on the gui just produces the message “please wait for data to load” in a pop up window.

submitted a new support ticket 1008 with logs.

i’ll post another reply to myself when i get a response to that ticket.