Feature request for buttons on the home screen

Small point but it adds to the polish.

Center up the text in the buttons. It would look better then down at the bottom.

I think some may have asked but being able to put pictures and or icons in the buttons would be nice.

The text was lowered to make room for icons, but that never made it into the first release :slight_smile: Next version will have the option to add a picture there at least, with the text either under the picture at the bottom, or the text overlayed on the picture.

That’s great.

One more idea, be able to have the home screen buttons show a state change such as monitoring Combination Switch. Then you could show if anything is going on withing that control panel.

As a quick starter just outlining the button would work but shading or color change would be better.

Not a bad idea. There are already plans for an alarm and notification framework, which would allow you to flag certain devices to be watched, and the app would switch to that device’s screen automatically if the state changes. Doing something to he screen’s button is a nice alternative to that.

Vertically, correct?

You can do a little manipulation by adding hard returns in the label field when modifying.

Vertically, correct?

You can do a little manipulation by adding hard returns in the label field when modifying.[/quote]

To a point you can. Thanks