Feature Request: Copy & Paste Controls

I keep a uniform design throughout my controls, but I have to enter the specific settings whenever I add a new one.

It would be awesome to be able to copy and paste controls and have the ability to edit the device as needed.

On/Off Switch 1 controls Device 1
I make a copy of On/Off Switch 1
Now On/Off Switch 1 and On/Off Switch 2 both control Device 1
I edit On/Off Switch 2 to control Device 2

Would adding this feature to Today Widget controls also be possible?
Also, added home screen shot to show design standard.

This would be very helpful!

Good idea. I’ll see if I can come up with a quick implementation for this.

Awesome, thank you.


in general an option to edit a control and change the device number .



I’ve always thought a copy/paste function would be a good idea. I spend a lot of time configuring device controls that are identical in every way to other device controls, except for device number.

I would like to see this as well. Would be a nice feature.

A way to copy an entire screen would be awesome too! I have been working on a nice layout as a TV remote, with icons / custom colours / labels / scenes etc… Slowly chipping away and enjoying it but really dont want to repeat it all for the other TV’s in the house.

If you do come up with a copy button for normal scenes / devices could it please also work with the control screens while on the main screen.

Hold down on a button and a copy / paste option appears, would be ideal!

You can already copy entire screens:

  1. Bring up the properties for the button that opens the screen to be copied
  2. Scroll down, use the Save button
  3. Save to phone or dropbox
  4. Create a new screen button and load the file into that from the menu

Then link the controls on the new screen to the other TV

Awesome! Didn’t think of that. Thanks

[quote=“intveltr, post:9, topic:190317”]You can already copy entire screens:

  1. Bring up the properties for the button that opens the screen to be copied
  2. Scroll down, use the Save button
  3. Save to phone or dropbox
  4. Create a new screen button and load the file into that from the menu

Then link the controls on the new screen to the other TV[/quote]


Wanted to let you know that there seems to be a problem with the SAVE SCREEN function you mention above - first time I’ve tried it so I can’t say when it broke…

When you attempt to SAVE a screen to DROPBOX, HomeWave bombs and goes back to the iPhone home screen and no saved file is present (when you go to save again)
When you attempt to SAVE a screen to the iPhone, HomeWave again bombs to iPhone home screen but a saved file IS present (when you go to save again)

