Favorite Remote App

So I’ve tried them all, and my favorite so far is Automator.app. I especially like it’s “Favorites” page. But my new favorite will be whichever comes out with a good IPAD optimazed app first! Which is your favorite?

voted for web app but i am using trick tv and i love it because the price is right

I use Ivera, SQ Remote and the Mios apps but I like SQ remote just a little more. I’m also waiting for a good Ipad app.

You are right. I should have included TrickTV. Go back and change your vote if you would like. Thanks.

For android I use homebuddy. It is the only app right now that is available for the android phone. There are a few things that I wish would be supported e.g. sensors, etc. For the ios platform I have used sqremote and now automator.app. I really like automator.app as I can get access to all of my devices pretty fast. Sqremote is great, but requires you to setup each room or layout and can get pretty complicated. I too am hoping that there will be an ipad supported version of these apps!

  • Garrett

[quote=“garrettwp, post:5, topic:167641”]For android I use homebuddy. It is the only app right now that is available for the android phone.

  • Garrett[/quote]

I thought AutoHTN was also android?

You are correct I forgot AutoHTN was for android. To be honest, I never really looked at the app. There are some nice changes being added to Homebuddy. Hopefully a release will be out soon!

  • Garrett

I voted SQ Remote becaue of its flexibility and customization. I didn’t even know automator.app was on the radar, it looks like it has a decent camera control. iVera’s camera control worked pretty good for a few movements, but usually crashed with my Foscam PTZ.

Has anyone tested automator.app’s camera controls with their PTZ Foscam or other camera and how does it work?


The fiscal works like a champ in Automator.app

errr… there doesn’t happen to be an Android version of Automator.app is there? I refuse to succumb to the big giant greedy proprietary using money swallowing Apple. Although, they still make the best and most stable OS. (lol)

I would really love to see an application like Automater and SQRemote that is in no way related to Apple.

I have used AutoHTN and there is no comparison to Home Buddy. Home Buddy is quicker and easier to use. The only part that really sets AutoHTN apart from Home Buddy is the ability to control sensors, Boxee, Blinds, and Denon Receivers. I have not been able to test any of the functionality tho so I don’t have any experience with how well and/or if it can actually control these devices.

I have to vote for Home Buddy in this case, since I am anti-Apple. Go Rakstar!!! lmao!

First Post!

I just purchased automator.app and have a foscam connected to my vera 2 UI4. It does show up, but I do not have the Pan Tilt buttons on the screen that were shown in the automator.app app store screen shots.

I have an email out to their support. I will post my results if there is a fix.


The automator.app DOES work with my Foscam FI8918W.

I made it work by:

  • Loading the camera with the foscam software to my network

  • Downloading Shady’s Panasonic Luup file

  • Renamed the file to be FosCam instead of Panasonic (not required, just for me in case I do want to use the Pan Cam)

  • Loaded the camera in to Vera 2 running UI4

  • Installed Automator.app on my iphone

  • Automator is very simple to configure. In devices/scenes/rooms, I can call up the camera just fine.

  • IMPORTANT!!! - If you are looking for the constant streaming functionality in automator app, you must click on the camera TEXT area. If you click on the picture or quick image, it will just enlarge the image. It will not call the live feed.

I had a quick turnaround on this pretty small issue with their support. They were quick in responses and left me satisfied.


I must say that I really like the Automator.app. I have not had any problems with it and love the layout.