Failed polls on nodes...?

Ever since I have setup my vera I see a lot of failed polls on nodes (“red papers under the pencils”). It happens maybe 10-20% of the time on various devices. It never really seems to affect the network and commands get carried out 99% of the time (unless vera crashes then a reboot is required).

My home is very small, and I have at least 3-4 zwave devices in every room, so the communication mesh should be very tight and reliable. Yet… I still see failed polls a lot. Is this something a lot of you see on your networks?

I’m seeing it also.


I have three houses running a Vera and each has the problem you mention. It behaves as though there is intermittent interference in a z-wave path.

It happens to me too, and all nodes seemed to respond just fine.

My schlage stopped polling but vera knows what state ( lock vs unlock ) it is in.

My ACT 20A module cannot be polled since day one but it work fine.

Just a note tho, version 608 seemed to be really messed up. Just upgraded this morning and scenes are kicking off at weird time, and my current time under location is in yr 1999. The router function fails every 2 hrs and all nodes failed polling.

I haven’t noticed any failed polls since upgrading to 608 (which is working fine for me so far). Perhaps it’s just too early …


Sure enough … right after posting I got some failed polls :o


We’ve fixed this issue and probably today we’ll launch the 614 firmware.

HELP!! I am on version 918. Vera seems to know what is happening with my lock, but I cannot poll and cannot change any codes. I am in TN and Vera is in FL so this is very important to me.

Any suggestions???