Factory reset Vera Lite


I have a Vera Lite that I’ve entered manual network settings for. Now when I connect to it’s (static) IP the web UI loads but it says “Unable to communicate with your unit. Please be sure the unit is powered and connected to Internet.”

None of the menus at the top of the page change when I click on them - so frustratingly I can’t go back to the Net tab and enter valid network settings.

I’ve tried double-clicking the reset button, that doesn’t seem to do anything.

The blue power light is on constantly, the green Network light is flashing rapidly.

Could anyone let me know how I can just factory reset the unit?

Thanks in advance!


I have the same problem. Have you solve it ?

Have you find any help from Micasaverde ?

Can you ping the box? Can you connect via SSH?

If so, you can try executing the script referenced here:

Note there is a bug in the script when doing it via SSH on a Vera2 (might be the same on Vera Lite). See my post towards the bottom of this thread:

Currently the Reset button doesn’t work for Vera Lite. It will be fixed this week. Until then the only way to reset Vera is using this command from the command line:

/usr/bin/cmh_Reset.sh all

…or, if you have access to the UI run this code from Apps >> Develop Apps >> Test Luup code:

os.execute("/usr/bin/cmh_Reset.sh all")

ok, i have this issue now too however, the unit is non responsive on the IP address previously statically assigned. So here’s my immediate follow up, if I cant connect (SSH) how can I run a command line command against the device?

Connect your computer directly to Vera. If Vera doesn’t give it an IP address, set your computer to use these network settings:

[ul][li]IP address:[/li]

Now you should be able to access Vera on

For those not to familiar with SSH (had to do a bit of a refresher myself) here are step by step instructions to reset your Vera-Lite since it appears that the reset button is not working and the reset script (cmh_Reset.sh) is missing a small attribute that errors out. Special thanks to PurdueGuy for figuring out the error with the script in a previous post listed at the bottom.

1. Locate the Root Password.
On Vera Lite’s, the root password isn’t printed on the bottom. So you need to access to the ‘Tech Support’ settings. Depending on your UI version, this is either under the Advanced tab, the Settings tab, or the Account tab. But if you can not currently access these tabs since you are locked out of the UI you will have to wait till your Vera session times out. After it times out you should be presented with 3 clickable options, you will want to select the 3rd (Contact Tech Support). After clicking this you will be brought to new screen that will allow you to turn on remote access. There will be an ‘enable’ button. Click that to turn on the tech support service. You will see a message like this:
Tech support full control enabled, access code 3000000-436969
The first number is your serial number, which is always printed on the bottom. The second number is a temporary password created for a user called “remote”.

2. SSH into your Vera
If you are using a Windows machine you will need to download the PuTTY tool to be able to use SSH. It can be found at: [url=http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html]http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html[/url]

After installation use the following configuration to access your Vera;
A. Under type the IP address of your Vera (for example:, leave Port number 22 alone, if needed, change connection type to SSH (default) and click .
B. At Login type: ‘remote’
C. Instead of using the normal password, use that temporary password, 436969 in this case. Once you have gotten in to the console, you will need to retrive the actual root password using this command: nvram show | grep pass
D. You’ll see something like this:
root@MiOS_30000000:~# nvram show | grep pass vera_wifipass=shade83forest

So in this case, shade83forest, is the actual root password. Write it down, and disconnect from the Vera.

E. Login as ‘root’ and use the password obtained from step D. The temporary password for the remote user will only be valid for 24 hours or until you click ‘Disable it’ on the tech support page.

3. Update Vera Reset Script
After logging in type:

vi /usr/bin/cmh_Reset.sh

Once the file loads within the command prompt, press “i” to enter “insert mode” so you can type and copy/paste. Use the down arrow key to move to line 74 within the file. Update line 74 to look like the “New Line” listed below - note you will be adding in dropbear.

OLD line: [code]ps ax | grep -vE 'Command|init|\[[a-z]|kill|ps|ash|cmh_Reset|upgrade|mtd|\[loop.+\]|klogd|syslogd' | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -v PID | xargs kill -KILL[/code]

NEW line:

ps ax | grep -vE 'Command|init|\[[a-z]|dropbear|kill|ps|ash|cmh_Reset|upgrade|mtd|\[loop.+\]|klogd|syslogd' | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -v PID | xargs kill -KILL

Once you have completed the update press “Esc” to exit “insert mode” when you are done modifying the file. Type “:wq” to save and quit.

4. Factory Reset your Vera-Lite
Now type the following command into the command prompt and wait 5 minutes and your Vera should be back up and running:

/usr/bin/cmh_Reset.sh all

Step 1&2 - [url=http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Logon_Vera_SSH]http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Logon_Vera_SSH[/url]

Step 3 (PurdueGuy) - [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,10382.msg71475.html#msg71475]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,10382.msg71475.html#msg71475[/url]

An old thread, but I thought I’d better update it, as it was the only place I could find a command line process documented to reset my Vera Lite (the UI was non-responsive, and the hardware reset button did nothing).

The instructions above about editing the reset script may have worked on previous versions but on my UI7 box /usr/bin/cmh_Reset.sh is on a read only file system. You must therefore

cp /usr/bin/cmh_Reset.sh /tmp/cmh_Reset.sh

and then edit and run the script there. This is in fact how it was originally described here:


Hope this helps others in the future, though how they can sell a box where a key feature like the hardware reset button is non-functional is beyond me. So much for it being fixed within a week (back in 2012).

[quote=“Andy, post:8, topic:170942”]An old thread, but I thought I’d better update it, as it was the only place I could find a command line process documented to reset my Vera Lite (the UI was non-responsive, and the hardware reset button did nothing).

The instructions above about editing the reset script may have worked on previous versions but on my UI7 box /usr/bin/cmh_Reset.sh is on a read only file system. You must therefore

cp /usr/bin/cmh_Reset.sh /tmp/cmh_Reset.sh

and then edit and run the script there. This is in fact how it was originally described here:


Hope this helps others in the future, though how they can sell a box where a key feature like the hardware reset button is non-functional is beyond me. So much for it being fixed within a week (back in 2012).[/quote]

Thanks a million for this! For some strange reason, the z-wave light on my VL stopped and no amount of fumbling around would bring back my z-wave network. Thanks to your post, I was able to restore to factory default.

Many thanks.

[quote=“mcvflorin, post:4, topic:170942”]Currently the Reset button doesn’t work for Vera Lite. It will be fixed this week. Until then the only way to reset Vera is using this command from the command line:

/usr/bin/cmh_Reset.sh all

…or, if you have access to the UI run this code from Apps >> Develop Apps >> Test Luup code:

os.execute("/usr/bin/cmh_Reset.sh all")

LOL, mcvflorin posted that this issue would be fixed in 1 week in May 2012 and it still isn’t fixed…gotta love the support for this product.

For what it’s worth, the reset button on my Vera Lite does in fact work. I did follow a suggestion of someone else that said to “double click and hold” the reset button, so I know at least that particular action works to factory reset the vera lite. (It may work with a single click and hold…but have not tried that…)

For what it’s worth, the reset button on my Vera Lite does in fact work. I did follow a suggestion of someone else that said to “double click and hold” the reset button, so I know at least that particular action works to factory reset the vera lite. (It may work with a single click and hold…but have not tried that…)[/quote]

Single click & hold reset button during power-up works to begin FW reflash procedure on my VeraLite…

I have tried all morning to factory-reset the Vera Lite with no results.

At first I thought that holding the resetbutton for 10 secs during power up had worked: there was a led-blinking that I was not familiar with, but…
When I contacted the IU from the network All my devices were there still!! :-[

How long have you pressen the reset-button, Gordonmatic?

The factory reset I believe does not reset the zwave chip. You will need to do that via Vera’s Web interface.

  • Garrett

[quote=“garrettwp, post:14, topic:170942”]The factory reset I believe does not reset the zwave chip. You will need to do that via Vera’s Web interface.

  • Garrett[/quote]

Don’t know if it resets the chip, but on my unit it sure wipes the z-wave network. That’s why I wanted to revive the thread to hear about two things:

  1. A parameter for the reset script to reset everything but the z-wave network
  2. A way to only restore the z-wave network information from the system backup I took before the reset. Restoring this will only give me everything.

I’m getting kind of desperate - my veralite doesn’t behave and I don’t want to have to do the whole inclusion dance again. Not if I don’t have to.

got this from tech support

  1. Connect your computer directly into the LAN port on the Vera lite unit (really not needed. As long as both units are hard wired to same switch you just need to change your pc IP, cannot do this wireless)
  2. Put a static IP on your computer ( and the gateway . You Can find
    more information about it at step 8.
  3. Plug the power adapter in Vera and when the blue light starts blinking, press and release
    the reset button - blue light should be blinking fast
  4. Open a command prompt and telnet into the unit: telnet
    Run these commands:
    flash_eraseall -j /dev/mtd7
    echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger

Can someone tell me where is that reset button? ;D