EZMotion - 3 in 1 Temp/Motion/Light Sensor (V1 & 2) Consolidated Issue Thread

It’s currently the findings of this thread and other posts in this forum (so far) that there are far too many instances of problems being experienced with Vera and the EZMotion sensor to say they are fully compatible - So for now, it’s the opinion of the author of this thread that I strongly recommend you avoid purchasing any of these units untill more test have been done and MCV and/or EZmotion have confirmed there 100% compatibility - Numerous support calls have been logged with MCV and more recently some with Express Motion, some resulted in good information/feedback, but sadly little to no improvements or fixing the underlying problem that clearly exists… [/center]

Hi All

Due to there being a number of posts created on the EZMotion, this particular post/thread is seeking to capture links to all the other posts and to also try to sumarise the problem being faced… Forums are hard enough to navigate and search at the best of time so i hope this is of help. As they say we are stronger together than we are apart… :wink:

The Situation (as I understand it) - I will update this as news come to light contribute
[li]There are two version of the original sensor, the newest version has a blue connector to allow power to be connected. Express Motion have released a new EZMotion+ which is not part of this thread[/li]
[li]Motion seems to be the only sensor that works (most of the time time) [/li]
[li]Light or Temperature readings are updated very infrequently or not at all [/li]
[li]Some products show the manufacuturer as Express Controls other show it as Ryard Ventures[/li]
[li]The device works fine under UI4, (TBC if both old and new version do)[/li]
[li]Wake Ups do not result in any updates being made, even when temp or light have changed[/li]
[li]A firmware updates are available from Homeseer, but at a cost?! [/li][/list]
[li]EZmotion - V1.x (a.k.a Homeseer HSM100)[/li]
[li]EZmotion - V2.x (a.k.a Homeseer HSM100 S2)[/li]
[li]EZmotion+ - Only here for reference, this is a new release no reports of performance yet. [/li]

Official Calls Logged with MCV - I will update this if people can let me know if they have logged an official report with MCV

[li]parkerc = 2013-01-03[/li]
[li]LightsOn = 2012-09-21[/li]
[li]Piwtorak = 2012-12-15[/li]
[li]pgrover516 = 2012- TBD[/li]
[/list]It would be sensible to assume the more ‘official’ tickets we collectively log, the more chance we have of getting this resolved.

Known forum Threads on this products (below) - hopefully the main points are sumarised above…

HSM100 / Ezmotion 3-in-1 not working with UI5 - > [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,8899.0.html]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,8899.0.html[/url]
EZMotion 3-in-1 Sensor Light Sensor - >[url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,12822.0.html]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,12822.0.html[/url]
Set Ezmotion 3 in 1 to broadcast temperature every few hours? → [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,12615.0.html]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,12615.0.html[/url]
New Motion HSM100-S2 sensors bad, prior model good - > [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,10937.15.html]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,10937.15.html[/url]
Make Vera Run Command “ZWJob_GetNodeDetails” (ezMotion 3 in 1 Sensor) - > [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,13113.0.html]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,13113.0.html[/url]
Set Ezmotion 3 in 1 to broadcast temperature every few hours? → [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,12615.0.html]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,12615.0.html[/url]
Ezmotion usage scenarios and EZMotion vs. new EZMotion+ - > [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,13083.0.html]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,13083.0.html[/url]
Re: Ezmotion 3 in 1 multi sensor, wrong behavior - > [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,12937.15.html]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,12937.15.html[/url]

Other Useful Information

Micasaverde Supported Hardware → [url=http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Supported_Hardware]http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Supported_Hardware[/url]
Micasaverde Wiki → [url=http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/ExpressControls3in1#Known_issues]http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/ExpressControls3in1#Known_issues[/url]
EZmotion Official User Guide → [url=http://www.expresscontrols.com/pdf/EZMotionOwnerManual.pdf]http://www.expresscontrols.com/pdf/EZMotionOwnerManual.pdf[/url]
EZmotion Battery Guide → [url=http://www.expresscontrols.com/pdf/EZMotionBattery.pdf]http://www.expresscontrols.com/pdf/EZMotionBattery.pdf[/url]
Homeseer EZmotion Firmware Update → [url=http://store.homeseer.com/store/HomeSeer-HSM100-Firmware-Update-Service-P982.aspx]HomeSeer | Smart Home Hubs, Switches & Sensors For Any Need and Budget
Homeseer HSM100 Manual ->[url=http://www.homeseer.com/pdfs/guides/HSM100_Release_Notes.pdf]Support Home Page | HomeSeer

Please add anything that you think is of use…

I would also politely ask other anyone reading this who stumble accross any other posts to let me know the link and if possible, try to direct that post to this particular thread,

If anyone has the EZmotion 3in1 working as it is supposed to, please post your findings here too[/ul]

Next post held for potential updates

Hi ParkerC,

Many thanks for your hard work here - we will togeter get this working.

Too add to above as asked - I initiated support with Daniel at MV on 21.09.12 and support is still ongoing.

Can any one clarify how I can tell if I have a V1 or V2 vershion and also has any one tried a V1 vershion with UI5?

Many thanks again for your efforts here ParkerC.

Thanks for the update @LightsOn

I’ve added your escalation to the first post.

You can tell the version from the design on the inside - EZMotion Rev 1.x does not have the blue power block on the circuit board next to the battery compartment.

It seems both versions have issues under UI5

Lets hope we can make some progress… :slight_smile:

I have email EZmotion to see if they are able to help, via info@expresscontrols.com

ticketing.mios.com #97282] MiOS tech support #74517 - 30002462‏
ticket open with Dennis too.

very good support, he does the movement sensor works and on my kitchen lights when movement is detected, but after 1 week the sensor stops works and no more returns to work. I will return that to micasaverde.com.

Hi Piwtorak

When did you log the call with MCV?
Are you saying you have had enough and are returning them for a refund?

From EZmotion’s site

Express Controls Announces Z-Wave+ version of EZMotion now shipping 12 November 2012

Express Controls announces the release of EZMotion+ which supports Z-Wave Version 5 of the multi-level sensor class (also known as Z-Wave+). Z-Wave+ simplifies the communication with a home automation controller by announcing the type of sensors available thereby eliminating the need for custom coding. End-users will enjoy improved reliability for the luminance and temperature sensors, improved battery sensing and most of all, the lower price! EZMotion is available in US, EU and ANZ models now with other regions available in the future.

If that isn’t an admission I don’t know what is?! "Enjoy Improved Reliability’ !

[quote=“parkerc, post:7, topic:173825”]Hi Piwtorak

When did you log the call with MCV?
Are you saying you have had enough and are returning them for a refund?[/quote]

Hi Parkerc…
I open ticket in december 15 last.
I will return because I bought from webstore of micasaverde. and because it do not works anymore.
I want at least knows the cause he has stopped.

I am sending the pictures of my sensor, please check what model is that ? new one or old one ?
In my last try I plug one power supply of one cell phone. but nothing happens…

thanks !

Hi All, okay so my unit has now returned to working again fine without any updates on Temperture. So I cans afly say things are certainly not right and not at all reliable sadly.

Thank you for clarifying difference between vershions.

I would be prepaired to by and test the latest vershion of the sensor if you have a link? I agree from the etx you have posted it certainly sounds like they know there was an issue!

@ MV (if you see this thread) have you tested the new unit?

Update email sent to Daniel at MV to draw his attention the this thread and update hi to my latest testing outcome.

Lets hope MV can get hold of or direct me to the new release of the sensor so we can test.


Thanks @LightOn

I’ll be intrigued what Daniel thinks of this post

Make Vera Run Command “ZWJob_GetNodeDetails” (ezMotion 3 in 1 Sensor) - > http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,13113.0.html

One of my thought are that the EZmotion does not ‘push’ scheduled updates to Vera very well, so I’m curious if Vera could try to pull them itself more strongly during the agreed wake up period.


  • You look to have the new one, however I will admit to being confused where the EZmotion+ fits in, the official manual (link above is dated June 2012) .

HSM100 looks to be the same model , just Homeseer branded.

I received an email from Express Controls today, with an offer to help. I will let you know how things go, but I have pointed them to this thread so if you have chance to provide an update on any of your observatons/progress that will help me/us present a more up to date picture.

Initial comments from Express Controls relate to routing, which ties into my own thoughts, but lets wait and see. (Cross your fingers :slight_smile: )

Credit to Express Motion for responding so quickly to my email.

Ap15e has shared with me the current status of his Vera V1@1.1.1338 and his five HSM100 V1


Capabilities 81,140,0,4,33,1,R,RS,|49,96:2,112,114,119,128,132:2,133,134,
Version 6,2,40,1,7
Manufacturer Express Controls
Model EZmotion 3-in-1

Problems: Doesn’t seem to report anything to Vera (it did work some time ago …).

Living room

Capabilities 81,140,0,4,33,1,R,RS,|49,96:2,112,114,119,128,132:2,133,134,
Version 6,2,40,1,9
Manufacturer Express Controls
Model EZmotion 3-in-1

Problems: Motion sensor doesn’t work


Capabilities 81,140,0,4,33,1,R,RS,|49,96:2,112,114,119,128,132:2,133,134,
Version 6,2,40,1,7
Manufacturer Express Controls
Model EZmotion 3-in-1

Problems: Doesn’t seem to report anything to Vera (it did work some time ago …), but does does control a light via direct Z-Wave association


Capabilities 81,140,0,4,33,1,R,RS,|49,96:2,112,114,119,128,132:2,133,134,
Version 6,2,40,1,9
Manufacturer Express Controls
Model EZmotion 3-in-1

Problems: none

Utility room

Capabilities 81,140,0,4,33,1,R,RS,|49,96:2,112,114,119,128,132:2,133,134,
Version 6,2,40,1,7
Manufacturer Express Controls
Model EZmotion 3-in-1

Problems: Motion sensor doesn’t work

Hi All,

My setting attached for referance - my problem is temperature never updates.

No reply from my email to MV just yet.

Also crossing my fingers…

I have put in an official support request several months ago and was contacted once a moth after request that “we are waiting for information from manufacturer” nothing since. Good luck in your quest! 8)


Would some people be able to share the lines in their log file when a wake up occurs ?

I can see, wake up occurs at regular intervals (30mins) but largely no information is sent, it has been mentioned that EZmotion might not be able to handle long routes, (multiple node hops) so if you can provide answer the following questions I would appreciate it

Pick one ezmotion device if you have multiple. (Please share the version too)

Q1) how many neighbours does your EZmotion have
Q2) what node number in the zwave mesh is your EZmotion
Q3) is your EZmotion battery or mains powered
Q4) what is your wake up time setting
Q5) paste the results of 1 or more wake up entires from the log
Q6) paste the results of 1 or more motion sensor tripped updates from the log.

Additional - if you can find in the logs a successful update of all sensor readings (in one hit), please paste that too.

Many thanks

Hi All,

Okay so Daniel at MV emailed me back:

[i]I checked the forum topic you told me about and I understand your frustration. I talked with Express Controls a while back and they told me at that time they weren’t aware of the issue and asked me to test the sensor by placing it inside a box.

I tested with 2 sensors first out of the box, then inside the box, they both seemed to respond inconsistent when kept outside the box, and they reported properly when they were inside, so I don’t think it is an issue caused by the configuration of the sensors, but I will send another e-mail to them and see if they have any updates.

If you are able to reproduce the issue repeatedly, please try to do the same test and let me know what you find. Just keep the sensor in the same location, but place it in a box and trip it after the OnTime interval passes[/i]

This test provided no results for me sadly and I have reported this back. for me inside the box or outside the box remains the same - still not temp updates at all.

Hopefuly I will hear from Daniel again with feedback from Express Controlls.

Stuggling with relervant reports to post but will keep at it ::slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing @LightsOn

Here’s the email I received from Express Controls on Jan 8th, to which I replied immediately, but sadly no reply back to my email yet :frowning:

Hi Chris, I am here to help. Though the biggest problem may be MiCasaVerde and/or Zensys. What sensors are you have a problem with? Motion? Temp? Light? Battery? Is there a forum posting I can follow with more details? Are you sensors within immediate range of the Vera box? This is what is called a "singlecast without routing" in ZWave terminology. The problem with some ZWave networks is that if vera has to route thru more than 1 node to reach an EZMotion sensor, then it may go back to sleep before the routing has a chance to complete. The trick is to try to keep the sensors within fairly simple routing range of Vera. There is a new version of EZMotion called EZMotion+ that MCV will be releasing support for shortly but they have not released it yet that significantly improves the routing. But it requires a new version of the EZM and MCV.

I’m not sure how you alter the routing or force a ‘singlecast’ on Vera? Especially as mine are spread out over the house.

ha har @ keeping them close for a single cast… what use is that lol we need sensors through out the house not just near the V Unit. got to chuckle.

Lets hope they Express Controls and MCV work together and update us.