EZmotion - 3-in-1 Motion Sensor by Express Controls.

Has anyone had lucking using the Light & Temperature senors with the EZmotion - 3-in-1 Motion Sensor by Express Controls.

Also, this device looks like the Homeseer HSM100 - Z-Wave Multi-Sensor ???

Thank for the help… ;D

yes works fine
even the older verison work now!

Thanks for the info… Appreciate it… ;D

Hey Did you get one?

Not yet, but plan to in a next 2 weeks. I’m setting up Vera at a weekend place, so HVAC automation and security are what is important to me. Using the temp sensor allows me to get a second read on heating in the winter other than the Wayne Dalton thermostats.

Is this for a second home?
what region is the home in?
Just curious

North East

Vermont ?

Near a Ski town?