EzloPi Welcome - Read this first

Welcome to our EzloPi community.

You can engage with other EzloPi Maker community as well as the official EzloPi developers here.

What you can do here:
If you have any questions on “how to”, community and the developers can help
If you have a feature request, please post it and developers will be happy to add that feature in.
If you found a bug, please post it here and developers will fix it.
If you have an idea but don’t know how to start, please go ahead and ask for help.

Welcome to our EzloPi community

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I will have some time in a few weeks to re-acquaint myself with EzloPi. It seems to have evolved since last year when I last worked with it.

Key to me was the ability to have local meshbots running on a host device like an EzloPlus (all on the same LAN) be triggered by and control EzloPi devices. When I looked last it had to be cloud based meshbots which are less desirable for many reason well discussed here.

Is there a date for when an EzloPlus can run a local meshbot that triggers from and controls various EzloPis? That is a hard requirement in my eyes.

Local Meshbots support on EzloPi devices is coming. I know they have been working on that.

As for being able to add devices into a single local Meshbot rule, where those devices might be on serveral different “controllers” I am not sure about that.

There was some talk about it but dont know if it went any where in development time.

If anyone else is interested in creating your own EzloPi sensor devices, start by looking at the website, there are some example projects and more being added apparently.