Ezlo Secure Light Blink Orange

My Ezlo Secure’s light on tops blinks orange and than blue and back to orange…. Besides telling me it is my internet connection (I have Fios/Fiber), what could be the issue?

Hello @DRagu

Thank you for contacting eZLO Smarter Home Control’s support.

If you agree, we can create a new support ticket to provide you with a more personalized experience.

We will be attentive to your response.

Start by looking at what the light patterns mean.


The situation has been resolved via a support ticket. The solution involved basic troubleshooting (power cycle and network)

The issue has been resolved, and I am closing the thread. If you encounter any further issues or have concerns regarding your Ezlo Secure, please don’t hesitate to contact us by creating a new post or via support ticket at support@ezlo.com.

Thank you all for your contributions!