Also NOTE - Everything I wrote about was about using the HTTP/S Server API to control the Ezlo Controller and its devices.
There is also a completely different Web Sockets API as well.
3rd party things like Multi System Reactor (Logic rules engine) uses the Web Sockets API to communicate with the Ezlo controllers. Again this is normally done locally on the same LAN.
I never used the Web Sockets API myself as it was more than I needed and a little above my understanding as I am not a developer.
Seeing your original question here, you say “I’m attempting to setup an Azure Data Factory job to retrieve the temperatures of all my thermostats for later reporting”
To SET a devices Temp value you can use a command like this.
You need the Item ID number of the Temp device, which can be obtained by using the Online API Tool.
You can use HTTP/S command like these to retrieve temps from devices.
To retrieve the current temp is a bit more tricky, as you need to send a POST HTTP command rather than a simple GET.
I just tested this in Postman and it worked and got the temp value back.
Here was the BODY I used:
is the Devices ID number of the Temp Sensor
is the ID number of the Item for the Temp Sensor
{"method": "", "id": "6605aed5123e4314b04b79e3", "params": {"items":{"ids":["6605aed5123e4314b04b79e4"],"fields":{"include":["valueFormatted"]}}}}